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Show hand : 689796

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Handnr: 689796
Submitted by : acdawg712

Full Tilt Poker Game #12249346294: Table Naples - $1/$2 Ante $0.20 - Limit Stud H/L - 7:16:11 ET - 2009/05/16
Seat 2: AnnaBear ($58.55)
Seat 3: McKeen88 ($50.95)
Seat 4: Gems88 ($34.20)
Seat 5: RazorJ ($19.80)
Seat 6: fubaroz ($80.40)
Seat 8: loserontheriver ($42.95)
RazorJ antes $0.20
loserontheriver antes $0.20
AnnaBear antes $0.20
Gems88 antes $0.20
fubaroz antes $0.20
5 seconds left to act
McKeen88 antes $0.20
*** 3RD STREET ***
Dealt to AnnaBear9h
Dealt to McKeen887hAd6h
Dealt to Gems886c
Dealt to RazorJAh
Dealt to fubarozKh
Dealt to loserontheriver4s
loserontheriver is low with4s
loserontheriver brings in for $0.25
AnnaBear calls $0.25
McKeen88 calls $0.25
Gems88 folds
RazorJ completes it to $1
fubaroz folds
loserontheriver folds
AnnaBear folds
AnnaBear stands up
McKeen88 calls $0.75
*** 4TH STREET ***
Dealt to McKeen887hAd6h3h
Dealt to RazorJAhQd
RazorJ bets $1
McKeen88 calls $1
*** 5TH STREET ***
Dealt to McKeen887hAd6h3h4h
Dealt to RazorJAhQd4c
RazorJ checks
McKeen88 bets $2
RazorJ calls $2
*** 6TH STREET ***
Dealt to McKeen887hAd6h3h4h5h
Dealt to RazorJAhQd4c7s
RazorJ checks
McKeen88 bets $2
RazorJ folds
Uncalled bet of $2 returned to McKeen88
McKeen88 mucks
McKeen88 wins the pot ($9.45)
cantwinalick sits down

Total pot $9.70 | Rake $0.25
Seat 2: AnnaBear folded on 3rd St.
Seat 3: McKeen88 collected ($9.45), mucked
Seat 4: Gems88 folded on 3rd St.
Seat 5: RazorJ folded on 6th St.
Seat 6: fubaroz folded on 3rd St.
Seat 8: loserontheriver folded on 3rd St.

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