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Show hand : 447285

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Handnr: 447285
Submitted by : lastreplay

Getting Hand History Information

Hand #53537878-29 at 3pm-006 (No Limit tournament Hold'em)
Started at 18/May/08 15:29:27
u_call_u_lose is at seat 0 with 1335
JPQ99 is at seat 1 with 1540
angelofstorm is at seat 2 with 2205
Jaws_W is at seat 3 with 435
michaelo77 is at seat 4 with 1235
frog101 is at seat 5 with 4020
Searchn4fun is at seat 6 with 1740
ArizonaTom is at seat 7 with 5355
audie31 is at seat 8 with 955
ballbag94 is at seat 9 with 3480
The button is at seat 2
Jaws_W posts the small blind of 15
michaelo77 posts the big blind of 30

u_call_u_lose: -- --
JPQ99: -- --
angelofstorm : AcQh
Jaws_W: -- --
michaelo77: -- --
frog101: -- --
Searchn4fun: -- --
ArizonaTom: -- --
audie31: -- --
ballbag94: -- --

frog101 folds
Searchn4fun raises to 60
ArizonaTom folds
audie31 folds
ballbag94 calls
u_call_u_lose calls
JPQ99 calls
angelofstorm calls
Jaws_W calls
michaelo77 calls

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $0)

Jaws_W checks
michaelo77 checks
Searchn4fun checks
ballbag94 checks
u_call_u_lose checks
JPQ99 bets 420
angelofstorm calls
Jaws_W folds
michaelo77 folds
Searchn4fun folds
ballbag94 folds
u_call_u_lose folds

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $0.00)

JPQ99 goes all-in for 1060
angelofstorm calls
Tournament all-in showdown -- players show:
JPQ99 shows5dAs
angelofstorm showsAcQh

River (Pot : $0.00)

(no action in this round)

JPQ99 hasAsJdQs7sKd : ace high
angelofstorm hasAcQhJdQsKd : a pair of queens

No rake is taken for this hand
angelofstorm wins 3380 with a pair of queens

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