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Show hand : 1025129

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Handnr: 1025129
Submitted by : GoldRush

Table 'Hydra' 6-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: CraigLuckie $66.38 in chips
Seat 2: p00p0k $25.79 in chips
Seat 3: NeillyAA $25 in chips
Seat 4: jtzk $3.03 in chips
Seat 5: rlu2007 $66.52 in chips
Seat 6: kachol $25 in chips

Flop (Pot : $0)
Dealt to NeillyAAJsJc
jtzk: folds
rlu2007: folds
kachol: raises $0.37 to $0.62
CraigLuckie: folds
p00p0k: folds
NeillyAA: raises $1.38 to $2
kachol: raises $3.50 to $5.50
NeillyAA: raises $19.50 to $25 and is all-in
kachol: calls $19.50 and is all-in

Flop (Pot : $0)

Turn (Pot : $0)

Flop (Pot : $0)

Turn (Pot : $0)
NeillyAA: showsJsJc four of a kind, Jacks
kachol: mucks hand
NeillyAA collected $24.05 from pot
NeillyAA: showsJsJc a pair of Jacks
kachol: mucks hand
NeillyAA collected $24.05 from pot

Total pot $50.10 | Rake $2
Hand was run twice
FIRST Board6dJhAdJdTd
SECOND Board2c8h4h9c7c
Seat 1: CraigLuckie button folded before Flop didn't bet
Seat 2: p00p0k small blind folded before Flop
Seat 4: jtzk folded before Flop didn't bet
Seat 5: rlu2007 folded before Flop didn't bet
Seat 6: kachol muckedKhAs

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GoldRush   United States. Dec 15 2013 17:06. Posts 1025

after 1st run all i can think is...well theres all my Jacks!

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