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Kaiji, Season 2

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EvilSky    Czech Republic. Dec 06 2011 21:17. Posts 8915
So I just finished watching the 26 episodes of this new season. For those that haven't seen the original I recommend checking it out, this new one however I wouldn't bother.
The first half is pretty decent, even tho its still a major drop in quality from the first season. But where it got really shitty was the second half. I found myself muttering "ffs" as I was 2x speeding thru that drawn out endless drivel. I dont even know how to describe it, it almost felt like a parody of the original, like the authors were mocking me for even liking it in the first place... It was awful and it managed to take a dump on all the themes that made the first season great. Even as I was wishing for it to end already the ending itself was terrible and just managed to bum me out even more.

This anger actually just now kinda brings me back to a show Ive watched like a month ago that made me furious. The show in question is Ringer, its a chick show but it had Buffy as the lead so I gave it a shot.
The particular scene that was so enraging was at like episode 3 or 4, she assumed her twin sisters identity and her sisters husband had surprised her with a fancy dress made for her. So its evening and they are alone in their house and shes in the dress, she gets all teary eyed and he says like " whats wrong? you don't like it do you?" and she gets all emotional and almost cries and goes " No, its just that its the nicest thing anybody has even done for me" and at this point I had to physically remove myself from my seat and walk around my flat talking to myself.
The reason for that is that while this dress shit was going on, her A.A sponsor is getting his face smashed in by some mafia guys for covering for this bitch,that earlier that DAY called him to ask for help because she killed some guy and doesn't know what to do with the body. The FBI is after her, this murderous mafia guy wants her dead and she just killed some guy and needs help with the body, so despite all that this guy goes " dont worry, Im gonna fly over and were gonna deal with this together". But apparently that doesnt quite hold up to some rich cunt buying her a fancy dress... I think I yelled "oh you fucking bitch" and then had to walk it off, it might be the angriest Ive ever gotten at something fictional and Im actuall getting a little angry right now just remembering it.

I have no idea why I just wrote all this shit... Im off to sleep -.-

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TheHuHu3   United States. Dec 06 2011 21:34. Posts 5544

I couldn't finish the first season of Kaiji although I liked the premise a lot. I stopped watching after the high beam episodes and it seemed to drag on forever.

Have you ever read Liar Game (manga)? It's fucking sick. The mental battles is more complex than Kaiji IMO and highly more entertaining.

TheHuHu4 coming soon :) 

rgfdxm   United States. Dec 06 2011 22:17. Posts 1514

I liked Akagi and even One Outs more than Kaiji season 1, though Kaiji was decent. Thanks for the heads up on the sequel, I'll probably skip it.

lebowski   Greece. Dec 06 2011 22:51. Posts 9205

sad news, I liked Kaiji season 1

new shit has come to light... a-and... shit! man... 

Fayth    Canada. Dec 07 2011 01:59. Posts 10085

I liked Akagi better

but yeah Kaiji season 2 was kinda lame, at least the bog part

Im not sure what to do tomorrow when I see her, should I shake her hand?? -Floofy 

zionlll   Belgium. Dec 07 2011 04:49. Posts 169

yeah seazon 1 was pretty sick , i'll go check out liar .
If u guys have any other stuff to refer, plz refer me ! :D

Also gantz is pretty sick .

Btw what are u guys watchin that is still ongoing?

 Last edit: 07/12/2011 04:49

YoMeR   United States. Dec 07 2011 05:30. Posts 12435


eZ Life. 

EvilSky    Czech Republic. Dec 07 2011 15:36. Posts 8915

  On December 06 2011 20:34 TheHuHu3 wrote:
I couldn't finish the first season of Kaiji although I liked the premise a lot. I stopped watching after the high beam episodes and it seemed to drag on forever.

Have you ever read Liar Game (manga)? It's fucking sick. The mental battles is more complex than Kaiji IMO and highly more entertaining.

Yea it does drag on at that part but it really picks up by the end.

I hate reading manga online, but so many people are raving about liar game that im prolly gonna man up and read it eventually ^^

Ket    United Kingdom. Dec 07 2011 16:16. Posts 8665

i gave liar game a fair crack and got thru a fair few of the games but it got really repetitive without much character development and was lacking in the same awesome commentary on human nature that kaiji s1 had. wasnt impressed=[

just started watching one outs after seeing rgfdxm's post. Apart from akagi (awesome) another gambling anime to check out is Legendary Gambler Tetsuya, also about mahjong but maybe more true to real gambling in that era than akagi, hustling and cheating play a big part

Baalim   Mexico. Dec 08 2011 00:33. Posts 34252

agreed with Ket Kaiji > Liar Game by far, since its way more human and not just a repetitive puzzle.

the 2nd season is garbage tho, the pachinko part was ridiculously long and the ending too cheesy (oh damned to poverty boohoo).

One outs starts awesome, it gets less entertaining when the guy you know cannot be beat, unlike in Kaiji where he loses

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

EvilSky    Czech Republic. Dec 08 2011 11:23. Posts 8915

I didnt mind One outs and Akagi in that sense tbh, I actually loved how they were like these inhuman ominous beings that can do no wrong and they still made it exciting and intriguing. It did bother me a little tho just how dumb everyone else was, especially in one outs the team and the second lead were incredibly dense and it got a bit annoying after a while.

Baalim   Mexico. Dec 08 2011 19:12. Posts 34252

One outs goes downhill horribly after he goes in the lycoons... its absurd to think he can level people he has never met or spoken to before the game into striking themselves out to his shitty pitches.

The start was awesome tho, very realistic and believable when he wins the broken arm bet

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

EvilSky    Czech Republic. Dec 09 2011 06:23. Posts 8915

What has realism have to do with it? hes a fucking mind reading demon, hes not human :O

Baalim   Mexico. Dec 09 2011 07:07. Posts 34252

  On December 09 2011 05:23 EvilSky wrote:
What has realism have to do with it? hes a fucking mind reading demon, hes not human :O

You mean literally? wtf

anyway even if one thing is fantastic it doesnt mean that logic should be through out of the window

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

EvilSky    Czech Republic. Dec 09 2011 07:32. Posts 8915

No I dont mean literally, in the context of that world he is human. What I mean is you just need to accept it and let go of strict realism in order to enjoy the anime, he is not a standard character that struggles and overcomes and learns shit and evolves, thats why you almost never hear his inner dialogue,he never doubts or questions himself and in that sense he is basically inhuman. You know he is never gonna lose but its still fun to see just how he crushes his opponents, I think its really cool that its an anime that doesnt rely on character development or the emotional aspects but still manages to make it interesting.

Baalim   Mexico. Dec 09 2011 09:39. Posts 34252

Well yeah im not bothered by a fantastic trait if that what is all about, i wont go and say death note is crap because you cant kill people with a notebook, but only because he can kill with a notebook it doesnt mean that logic goes out the window and you can see a pegasus fly into his room and burst into flames.

That is exactly what happens with one outs, super brilliant mind reader/manipulator never misses a pitch only because of mind games with the batter, but then he goes and plays like 6 perfect straight games against total strangers that he could have not interacted with so they are impossible to manipulate obviously, also its the kind of anime where you know the hero simply cannot lose or face any true hardship and that makes it childish (shonen like), in Kaiji the guy loses the biggest battle and loses an ear and his fingers... that is much better

Ex-PokerStars Team Pro Online 

EvilSky    Czech Republic. Dec 09 2011 10:10. Posts 8915

Its possible because it happened, thats all the logic that is needed in an anime of this kind. If it followed your strict logic it would have been a completely different show. fwiw I think Kaiji is better than Akagi and One outs but I have absolutely no problem with what you didnt like. I guess its a matter of taste.

exalted   United States. Dec 09 2011 13:03. Posts 2918

Yeah definitely not really a fan of Liar Game. I want to check out Kaiji season 2, but am a little discouraged with the bad review ={

exalted from teamliquid :o 


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