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Gumster   Sweden. Feb 12 2021 19:58. Posts 2291

Anyone interested in meeting up for a study session? Like discuss the current meta game (ranges n whatnot), talk about how to use solvers, do some sims etc.

I quit my job so I'm doing poker full-time now

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Do not push the river, it will flow by itself. - Polish proverb 

lostaccount   Canada. Feb 13 2021 22:46. Posts 6035

the best thing to do with tournament is pray jerry yang style

humble and modest living, my karma is done, now time to enjoy life, peace is the way karma is a way Jesus is a way. peace of mind is the greatest gift liquidpokerIG 

dnagardi   Hungary. Feb 15 2021 19:37. Posts 1776

out of curiosity, what is the reason that you chose to play poker fulltime?

hiems   United States. Feb 16 2021 14:36. Posts 2979

While I agree it's not standard to have quit your job and play full-time poker at low stakes, I very much disagree with dnagardi who all he posts is stuff about how everyone should not play poker. The guy recently posted in a hand history about how he "used to play 200nl 10 years ago" and how he is surprised the game has changed lol.

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

hiems   United States. Feb 16 2021 14:37. Posts 2979

Whatever you do Gumster, if you respond to dnagardi be prepared for a post lecturing you about how you should rethink your decision.

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

dnagardi   Hungary. Feb 16 2021 18:42. Posts 1776

wow lol.
you are onto me deeply mr hiems, wherever I post you suddenly appear to dirt me. scary. just mind your own business please

hiems   United States. Feb 17 2021 00:47. Posts 2979

  On February 16 2021 17:42 dnagardi wrote:
wow lol.
you are onto me deeply mr hiems, wherever I post you suddenly appear to dirt me. scary. just mind your own business please

lol its true tho. that's all you post about basically. and you are mostly just feeding your own ego making your pedantic posts. oh wait nvm you do make posts "encouraging RiKD" and how he is so super!! (in actually again you are a weak and pathetic guy that needs ppl like RiKD around you to make yourself feel better about yourself, kind of like Loco).

how about you mind your own business about other ppl playing poker and I will mind my own business about you being a very annoying guy. LOL

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img]Last edit: 17/02/2021 00:47

dnagardi   Hungary. Feb 17 2021 21:47. Posts 1776

well im sorry if I come down that way in your perspective. I would say I'm not encouraging but empathic. Also just generally curious in any topic.
95% of the users here are retired poker players. Me being one of them. I haven't played competitive poker for years yet I was more or less active on the site just chatting around either poker related or not. Would you grant me the liberty to keep doing that?

and I haven't seen a post here for ages where someone is telling hes going fulltime. Can I be curious about it?

Santafairy   Korea (South). Feb 17 2021 22:21. Posts 2231

  On February 15 2021 18:37 dnagardi wrote:
out of curiosity, what is the reason that you chose to play poker fulltime?

Just spitballing here I bet he can make more than playing part time

It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

hiems   United States. Feb 17 2021 22:51. Posts 2979

  On February 17 2021 20:47 dnagardi wrote:
well im sorry if I come down that way in your perspective. I would say I'm not encouraging but empathic. Also just generally curious in any topic.
95% of the users here are retired poker players. Me being one of them. I haven't played competitive poker for years yet I was more or less active on the site just chatting around either poker related or not. Would you grant me the liberty to keep doing that?

and I haven't seen a post here for ages where someone is telling hes going fulltime. Can I be curious about it?

lol why are you changing the story. it's not a matter of you just being curious about it if you always end these posts with stuff like "I have found that I am so much happier since I have stopped playing poker" or "perhaps you should work on your mental health" etc or some bs like that. again i'd like to emphasize that with you this is a pattern that seems to occur every single time someone makes a blog post saying they are trying to play poker.

I understand poker is a tough gig. a little of that is fine. I've been there myself being negative on poker with myself and other ppl, but ultimately this is a poker/gambling forum, if you are going to just discourage ppl on every poker post idk what you are doing here. ppl are all adults here they have likely thought that through by themselves already.

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img]Last edit: 17/02/2021 22:52

Gumster   Sweden. Feb 18 2021 16:31. Posts 2291

Nice derail, lol. My job will basically always exist so I can go back whenever I want. I really enjoy the freedom. ´Working full-time just eats my soul and just makes me so unhappy. Plus I had some huge scores last year (got first in two tournies with 8k ppl) and I have a feeling I can become really good.

Do not push the river, it will flow by itself. - Polish proverb 

dnagardi   Hungary. Feb 18 2021 21:26. Posts 1776

thank you, gl!

VanDerMeyde   Norway. Feb 20 2021 02:26. Posts 5108

Swedish people are the most chill to work with


iop   Sweden. Mar 01 2021 21:21. Posts 4951

  On February 18 2021 15:31 Gumster wrote:
Nice derail, lol. My job will basically always exist so I can go back whenever I want. I really enjoy the freedom. ´Working full-time just eats my soul and just makes me so unhappy. Plus I had some huge scores last year (got first in two tournies with 8k ppl) and I have a feeling I can become really good.

May you run good sir

Milkman lol i didnt spend half a thousand on a phone so i could play it cool and be all stealth 

Gumster   Sweden. Mar 04 2021 13:52. Posts 2291

  On March 01 2021 20:21 iop wrote:
Show nested quote +

May you run good sir

tack <3

Do not push the river, it will flow by itself. - Polish proverb 

Luna_Bluffgood   Germany. Apr 04 2021 15:07. Posts 1220

I quit my job as well (not meaning that I will be a full time poker player) but I have some time on my hands

HMU if you wanna discuss hands etc.

PuertoRican   United States. Apr 07 2021 23:46. Posts 13076

Good luck, fellas~

Rekrul is a newb 

Trav94   Canada. Apr 25 2021 11:28. Posts 1787

  On February 17 2021 21:21 Santafairy wrote:
Show nested quote +

Just spitballing here I bet he can make more than playing part time

Underrated comment


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