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[H] Live pkr in New York

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Gumster   Sweden. Jan 23 2018 10:09. Posts 2291

Where should/can I play live poker in NYC? Gonna be there for a week (standup course, courtesy of my gf for 30th birthday </brag> so wouldn't mind playing some poker. I'm looking to play like 1/2 deepstacked or 2/4ish. Thanks!

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Luna_Bluffgood   Germany. Jan 23 2018 19:36. Posts 1220

in b4 all the rounders jokes

casinocasino   Canada. Jan 24 2018 01:54. Posts 3347

Atlantic city, 2 hours away. Maybe Phila.

dnagardi   Hungary. Jan 24 2018 17:41. Posts 1777

lol if I were to go to NYC for a week Id do my best to visit all the world famous places in the most diverse city on earth. One can sit in a dark room with degens anywhere else

hiems   United States. Jan 24 2018 19:32. Posts 2979

  On January 24 2018 16:41 dnagardi wrote:
lol if I were to go to NYC for a week Id do my best to visit all the world famous places in the most diverse city on earth. One can sit in a dark room with degens anywhere else

disagree with this.

seems like they have some low/midstakes stuff on seeems like this one runs some bigger stuff ocassionaly as well. you can try and look for more this is just one that came up. .

id be curious to know how its like if you check it out.

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

RiKD    United States. Jan 24 2018 22:30. Posts 9020

There are definitely adventures to be had in NYC. Some of those adventures may be in cardrooms. Gumster has a week there going someplace cool to play cards isn't the worst way to spend one's time. Going to a lot of the famous places would be a waste of time imo. You gotta just get lost in Korea town and run into a street full of people dancing to tribal drums and say "yes" (to cocaine). Central park is good, so is MoMA, so is a lot of things. Have fun man!

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Jan 25 2018 08:21. Posts 8649

  On January 24 2018 00:54 casinocasino wrote:
Atlantic city, 2 hours away.

Pretty much this. I'm in NYC and although I haven't really bothered looking for games, the ones I hear about for lower stakes always seem to have like 10% rake or something (capped at $10-15). Unless you're really set on playing poker in the city I'd say just enjoy your time doing other stuff.

Truck-Crash Life 


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