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Anyone ever Tutored before?

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terrybunny19240   United States. Feb 12 2012 09:53. Posts 13829
I really, really want to start tutoring people in early college-level subjects.

Anyone here tutored before? How long did you do it for, what age group & subjects? How was it?

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palak   United States. Feb 12 2012 09:59. Posts 4601

Read titled as tortured, confused the hell out of me.

dont tap the about ready to take a fucking hammer to the aquarium 

terrybunny19240   United States. Feb 12 2012 10:29. Posts 13829


probably should of just said "tutor" since its the correct word 'n all :D

 Last edit: 12/02/2012 10:30

Mariuslol   Norway. Feb 12 2012 10:35. Posts 4742

Mariuslol   Norway. Feb 12 2012 10:35. Posts 4742

When you get what you want, you have to reshuffle your library afterwards!!

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Feb 12 2012 11:10. Posts 5314

demonic tutor+buried alive+nicol bolas+ necromancy.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 

Graisseux   Canada. Feb 12 2012 12:33. Posts 474

I tutored chemistry for students at some college for 1 session and also did private tutoring at my place for a few sessions. It was awesome, but I had to prepare because of course I had forgotten some of the useless stuff we are taught in courses.

Now I am a teaching assistant (is that how it's called in english?) for university students in physical chemistry and it's the same as tutoring (they come at you with questions) except I also give a 1 hour class weekly. Then again, gotta prepare so I you don't look stupid, but if I'm ready, relaxed and give good explanations they love me for it and that is awesome.

Tutoring made me seriously consider teaching as a career.

EDIT: Here (Quebec) college means 17-18 years old and university is 19 to 21 for most of them.

 Last edit: 12/02/2012 12:35

NeillyJQ   United States. Feb 12 2012 12:56. Posts 8947

i believe you would be a very good tutor/coach in certain areas sir, you connect well with people

gl w/ ur endeveors

Just remember you need to be god damn sure about their tendencies. -Artanis11 

nixxxbg   Bulgaria. Feb 12 2012 13:02. Posts 436

I have done some tutoring both private and as a teaching assistant. I have TA-ed calculus at a college level and linear systems at a master's level.

Overall it is a gratifying experience but can be pretty time consuming. It is best if you are interested in pursuing teaching long term or getting paid enough.

You really need to put time in both preparation and explanations to see a tangible improvement in the students. It definitely helps you learn the concepts you are teaching a lot better.

Mariuslol   Norway. Feb 12 2012 13:10. Posts 4742

  On February 12 2012 11:56 NeillyJQ wrote:
i believe you would be a very good tutor/coach in certain areas sir, you connect well with people

gl w/ ur endeveors


rememp   Canada. Feb 12 2012 14:01. Posts 480

hey Night I'm a tutor and TA for 1st - 3rd year university students, (I'm in my final year) what were you wondering about in particular?

Bluffed1331   United States. Feb 12 2012 14:20. Posts 246

  On February 12 2012 12:02 nixxxbg wrote:
I have done some tutoring both private and as a teaching assistant. I have TA-ed calculus at a college level and linear systems at a master's level.

Overall it is a gratifying experience but can be pretty time consuming. It is best if you are interested in pursuing teaching long term or getting paid enough.

You really need to put time in both preparation and explanations to see a tangible improvement in the students. It definitely helps you learn the concepts you are teaching a lot better.

Worst TA ever....not

Its Free To Fold... 

Highcard   Canada. Feb 12 2012 14:33. Posts 5428

I have never been i read the title orig

I have learned from poker that being at the table is not a grind, the grind is living and poker is how I pass the time 

defenestrate   United States. Feb 12 2012 15:37. Posts 89

I've been a tutor since 2003, mostly in math with some English and economics. I enjoy it, but if you take it seriously, accept that you will be spending a lot of time selecting quality material for lessons.

If you're just dragging the student to a marginal passing grade on a test, it will likely suck.

terrybunny19240   United States. Feb 12 2012 23:46. Posts 13829

has anyone tutored like 1 on 1 freelance, not as a TA or otherwise working for the school the school?

how much preparation outside of the actual tutoring sessions existed aside from the initial setting up of a mini-curriculum & worksheets for a certain topic/area ? were any outside investments necessary (certification, answer books, etc type stuff)?

were you tutoring well within your skill set/major? what difference was it for outside classes?

 Last edit: 12/02/2012 23:49

Graisseux   Canada. Feb 14 2012 00:14. Posts 474

I did 1 on 1 as well as TA.

By preparation I meant warming up by quickly reviewing what kid is learning at the moment (much better if I use the same book), so I don't waste his time (and money) reading his own book in front of him to refresh my memory. That's what I did for private tutoring with people at college level (I'm at phd).

Nobody I know that does tutoring has any certification. And you can get most answer books for free via torrents :D

For university level I even re-attend to courses that I'm giving TA for but that's a bit different from 1 on 1 since you need to be really sharp to speak in front of 60-65 ppl for an hour without getting them bored.

BILAT_POWER!!!   Philippines. Feb 14 2012 05:30. Posts 1525

yeah i tutored once. my best friend's sister. i ended up getting her pregnant. no joke.


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