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eestwood   United Kingdom. Jan 10 2012 17:59. Posts 702
whats up dudes

just wanna share some updates on my progress. Was feeling good about my game last couple months, but now when I checked my HEM to make some screenshots, I can see I still suck.

Put in very little volume since last update, but was dealing with some rl stuff, moved twice since november, my main desktop comp died + working 40hrs/week in my job. But now everything is sorted and I already started grinding volume/hours I am happy with.

I feel like I improved my game a notch since last update, much love to everyone commenting on my hands, especially Talented Tom and other midstakes+ ballers. So good for my game & confidence.

I am than not afraid to try knew things - when I know it was a good spot for triple barrel or calldown - I dont get mad when I lose the pot and can keep on grinding my a-game. + it feels rly good to own other regs when I have good idea about their range and can outplay them. Doesn't happen often //

Tryin to focus more on fish tho - trying to play lots of pots with them - adjusting my opening/flatting/squeezin/iso ranges to table conditions - e.g. when fish is in the blinds, my opening ranges widens significantly from every position.
I have often the most laggy stats from all regs at the table when I have some huge mark on my right. Quite sure I am spewing a ton as well, as I am getting into lots of marginal spots, but many times I managed to stack the mark before the other regs did.

Feel like I improved my sense for gameflow - I can tell when regs start to be fed up w me constantly isoing mark at the table and I think I have an edge on most of them in preflop reraising game (e.g. when I see the crappy hands they are tryin to outplay me with, bet sizing tells,.. basically looking for what I was doing wrong like 1/2 year ago))

Still lost in TONS of spots tho - usually playing oop marginal made hands and/or playing w/o initiative.

Thats all for now, will add some pics and maybe more random rambling laters.


all hands since july when I started playing on party

since last update

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can we all ballLast edit: 10/01/2012 18:07

bigredhoss   Cook Islands. Jan 10 2012 18:38. Posts 8648

gl yo~

Truck-Crash Life 

the cleaner   Germany. Jan 10 2012 18:43. Posts 3014

looks solid. gl

there are no facts only interpretations 


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