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New watch
  SakiSaki, Jan 03 2009

Obv I want to be like frinkx so I ordered a new watch. Normally I am to much of a lifenit to spend alot of money on a watch, and I have stopped myself from doing so in the past ensuring myself that if I ever scored big in a donkament I would buy one.

So yeah, the day finally came and I can buy a nice watch without feeling like a life degen. I have looked around alot on watches drooling over among others the zenith chronomaster but finally decided on a more plain and standard swiss watch, the omega speedmaster.


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Donkaments + year summary
  SakiSaki, Dec 30 2008

Heh, yeah so this year ended in the best possible way pokerwise. I guess ill just do a quick summary of the year and after that ill talk a bit about the sunday mill.

2008 started out crappy, I had battled a pretty epic downswing and with a combination of tons of cashouts and poor bankroll management I had managed to put myself into a spot where I had to get staked. Being staked was for me a horrible experience. My backer was supercool in every way and was always very supportive but I just felt really uncomfortable playing with someone elses money, I do think it affected my play to a certain extent and this in combination with the quality loss that my play always experience during a bad run just made me play pretty bad. At this time I was still in school and it tilted me that I had to sit through meaningless lectures all day not being able to focus all my energy on battling the downswong.

A few things helped me climb out of this hole of shit that I had dug myself. First, I sattelited into the ftops main event with ftp points, pinball and I swapped 10% and being the hero that he is pinball obv binked 6th? or was it 8th place? For 80k giving me a nice 8k boost to my roll. Second, and I guess most importantly I found heads up. I had played HU alot back in the day but hadnt touched it in a while and sick of all the negative emotions I had associated with 6-max I started dabbling around in the heads up games on ipoker. I pretty quickly discovered two things:

1. HU really suits me, you can play very crazy and agressive and do tons of fun stuff.
2. People fucking suck at HU.

This golden combination made me crush the games for several months, I destroyed 2/4 and 3/6 for good winrates and consistently made between 15-25k a month not putting in a sick amount of hands. I do think I ran pretty well aswell throughout my first 100k hands or so. Unfortunately there are also downsides to playing almost only HU. As most of you know I dropped out of school in september and even though I dont regret that one bit I was by the end of this year pretty sick of being just a professional HU player. Its hard to get a good structured grind when you sometimes have to sit and wait for action for 30 min and sometimes feel that you really cant leave the tables cause you finally managed to get a huge fish to 2-table against you. Poker doesnt provide alot of structure to begin with, and HU poker really provides none. It takes its toll and by the end of the year I was sick of the whole thing, I didnt feel like playing at all cause I was tired of not getting action and having shorties hit and run me all the time. I didnt put in alot of hours at all and just played dota and waited for the next opertunity to get drunk with my friends.

Due to this I have been trying to get back into playing 6-max again. Grinding out the 2/4 games on stars made me realize how much I have improved this year. I can for the first time with confidence say that I am better or even way way better than all the 2/4 regs on stars. Its just overwhelming how these guys wear their leaks on their sleeves and just have bad fundamentals overall.

I dont have any exact numbers for my results cause all my hands are split over several computers and several diffrent programs but I think I landed somewhere around 100-120k profit in cashgames this year.

I could ramble on forever about the things I have learned this year but that will be way to long so ill just wrap this cashgame summary up with one word of advice:

Manage your bankroll. Dont be dumb like me and put yourself in a spot where you have to get staked and hate life. Poker is so much easier when you are comfortable and enjoy playing the game with little or no stress.

This got alot longer than I had planned so yeah, props if you made it this far.

Ill just finish up talking a bit about my sunday million win.
First of all I just want to say, and I think most of you guys who read my blog regularily knows this. I hate donkaments so so much. Theres nothing in this world I have cursed so much over as donkaments. Its the most frustrating form of poker there is. I insist on playing them though cause the sundays are soft and I have always wanted one big score. I got close in September when I busted 11th in the mill on a huge coinflip with JJ vs AQ. I was discouraged and life tilted for days after that.(I dont want to sound like an ungreatful little bitch here cause I did win 7,5k, but everyone who has gotten close but not quite all the way in a big donkament knows what im talking about)

But I kept playing. I think one of my best qualities as a poker player(and I think i share this with alot of you ex-scgamers) is that Im so god damn fucking stubborn. If I have set my mind one something I never give up Im not saying I deserve this win in any way because I dont. Im a huge luckbox and saying anything else would be a lie, but I have also worked hard and I am a firm believer in that hard work always pays off in the end. I think this vide symbolizes my struggle with donkaments pretty well:

gotta get there god damn it!

I ran good in so many ways this sunday. I wasnt running superhot in making premium hands and stuff like that but I was never really "forced" to make moves i managed to hold or suck out in key hands all the time. I also drew some really good tables, at the table from the bubble down to like 300 players left I played 32/28 and everyone was just letting me run them over completely. From the final 100 down to my win I did suck out like a champ, most of you guys who railed knows what im talking about. I think atleast 95% of my plays where correct but I still managed to get it in bad a ton, thats just the nature of 20bb poker I guess. What seperates champions from the rest is that the champs suck out everytime they get it in bad and hold everyime they get it in good. I think thats pretty much what it takes to win one of these unless you are or elky and just a crazy sick good donkament player.

I also ran good in that the quality of the players was very poor. Its just insane how some of these guys made the final table. The bad players also managed to suck out on and bust the few really solid players left leaving me with a very soft final table. I guess I shouldnt be so harsh when talking about the quality of the players though, I do think a couple of those guys probably are pretty good and solid but I think the fact that we where at a final table affected them more than I let it affect me and they sort of let me run them over. This was also the deciding factor regarding refusing the chop and I just wanna say a couple of things about that. Now, I dont think that I am a perticularily good donkament player and I dont really suffer from any allusions of grandeur in that department. I would gladly chop in alot of situations securing a nice payout with a good chopdeal. At this final table though, everyone in the last 6 or so played really weak/tight. One exception being the guy who busted third who seemed to to mix up being weak/tight with playing like a crazy monkey klicking buttons. I felt I had a pretty good edge in terms of skill and I had a good stack, but what gave me the biggest edge with 6 or so left was that I was playing fearless and everyone else was trying to make sure they werent the next one to bust. If I had chopped then I might have gotten a good deal but it would have killed sooo much of my edge since with a nice payout already secured alot of these guys would have started playing more optimal. Not chopping allowed me to blindsteal my way to a win.

I guess from now on I am never ever entitled to ever whine about anything pokerrelated again so yaye for that! Also, to Lady Donkament and all the other poker gods: I am sorry I have been so harsh and ungreatful to you sometimes. We have had a troubled past but thats all forgotten and forgiven.

This donkament win makes 2008 my by far best year ever with around 450k in profits, a result I in all likelyhood never will be able to top, but I have to say Im ok with that.

Also I once again want to thank everyone for railing and supporting me, you guys are awesome and I love you all <3<3<3 Special shoutout to ket for being a great friend and doing his best to keep my ego from making me do something wreckless and peachy for making a reversed jinx rail thread.

Happy new year everbody and may you all run great in 2009!

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Merry christmas
  SakiSaki, Dec 25 2008

You fucking cunts! You all suck at poker but I still love you. Stay drunk and lovely niggaz


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zzzz bumhunters
  SakiSaki, Dec 13 2008

I feel like I have been ranting about this enough but fuck, Im so irritated. I have played alot of stars lately but today I figured id hit the HU tables on ipoker for the euro peak hours. Now, ipoker has a limited amount of heads up tables, its not like stars where another one pops up just as one gets taken. As I scout for action theres 20+(!) 2/4 hu tables with one reg on each, and NONE of them will play me. Now I havent been really active on ipoker HU as of late so I am not well known, and I dont think any of these guys really know if I am a big winner or a complete retard. Just the fact that a buy in for full makes then sit out and say "no ty"

FUCK YOU! First of all, these guys are fucking pathetic. Bumhunting on 2/4 is like boxing 4 weightclasses below you. You will bash on the little competition you get, but you will never improve and you will stay a bumhunting 2/4 pathetic fuckface asswhipe reg cunt for the rest of your life. Id rather work at IKEA than bumhunt like these guys. Second of all, these guys are really bad for the games. Lets say you are a drunk recreational player wanting to play some poker on saturday night, you look at the tables and theres 20 of them with players who wont play eachother. Even if you are retarded and drunk out of your mind you will realize something is up.

Being put on sick lifetilt after not getting any action I decided to be the 2/4 HU terrorist for a couple of hours. I sat at ALL of the bumhunting regs tables. At most I think i was on 12 HU tables and all the fags sat out on me. A couple of them even started arguing with me, like they have any fucking standing in this. The way I see it, if you want to be a little cuntfaced cockbag bumhunter fuckhead and only play drunk shortstacks, fine. Bless your soul. But if you chose to do this, there is a price to pay aswell. If you encounter someone who isnt drunk and/or retarded, leave the fucking table. Thats the price of taking gameselection to a retarded new level. Dont stay at the table and start whining, just FUCKING FUCK OFF YOU PIECE OF SHIT GOOD FOR NOTHING SCUMFACE. Gameselect all you want you little faggots but remember that theres a limited amount of tables available and I, who will play anyone, have the privelige of taking your table if you dont see me as a fit candidate to play against.

The most suprising thing of all was that none of these bumhunters seemed to understand my point. They all acted like I was a retarded moron who blocked their tables when in reality they are the ones blocking mine. I was called "imature", "acne faced nerd", "retard" and one guy even asked for my adress so he could come and beat me up. lol.

Anyways, the whole thing is getting pretty ridicilous, and eventhough I kinda enjoyed being the kinga of 2/4 hu, its not really worth it having to fuck with regs for 40 min everytime I want action. If there 6-max games wherent so juicy I would just cash out my roll from ipoker and move to ftp.

Rant over. gg imo

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  SakiSaki, Dec 09 2008

Online Poker

I have registered to play in the PokerStars World Blogger Championship of Online Poker!

This PokerStars tournament is a No Limit Texas Hold’em event exclusive to Bloggers.

Registration code: 868389

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6-max adventure
  SakiSaki, Nov 27 2008

Today 8-tabled 6-max on pokerstars for like the first time ever. It was a very unpleasant experience and I donated alot of money. I ran pretty awful though I think but I definitely spew preflop in alot of spots cause I am a retarded HU player. I keep thinking ppl are cold 4-betting me with air so I ship like A9 and get owned by AK every single time

I have noticed a couple of things about these games though and also come to some realisations of why 6-max anoy me so much. My first point is, most of these regs have very little clue about how to play postflop. The games are very agressive preflop with 3-betting and squeezing all over the place, which 100bbs deep pretty much means that the only streets where there is play is preflop and on the flop. By the turn you usually have half your stack in and all of a sudden you are a donkament player pushing or folding. Its soooo tilting, I try my best to keep the pot small and play some pots in position but flatting raises in the co or btn often result in a squeeze from the blinds/btn.

Its so constraining I actually feel like I am playing a donkament or on a table full of shorties. So much is about preflop/flop equity and so little is about outsmarting or outplaying your opponent.

Now I didnt game select at all pretty much cause I dont know any of the regs and this was just one session so maybe I just ended up on tables full off aggrotard regs but god do these guys remind me of me 1 year ago. Fuck you cardrunners, you have turned 6-max games into sit n gos.

Im not saying that these games arnt profitable because they definitely are. Theres still plenty of fish and most of the regs are like I said pretty clueless about postflop play. + some of them play even more retarded than me preflop and thats saying alot. Im pretty sure that playing something like 25/21 like I did this sesh is far from optimal in this day and age. Playing a controlled 18/16 TAG style and trapping squeezers alot with big hands and playing a in general smart and controlled tight style is probably going to rake in the big bucks.

One thing is for sure, stars need to add 200bb tables or I will have to move to ftp if I plan on playing more 6-max.

Oh and I have a question aswell. Why doesnt the HEM graphs have a line for won/lost in all in spots? All I can see now in my graph is total winnings and all in ev graph, but how does that tell me how bad I am running? Like, for today both hu and 6-max my all in ev is at -$800 and my total winnings is at -$4000 but could just aswell mean that I lost 800 in all in situations and that i spewed of 3200 making dumb bluffs and calldowns in non all in pots yes?

Keep it real boys and girl

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$500 on stars for FTP
  SakiSaki, Nov 23 2008

I need money on ftp can anyone trade 500 for stars cash? plz

edit: done, thanks jamie

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Running good
  SakiSaki, Nov 21 2008

Well, in poker I am doing soso and not putting in all that many hands, I just feel unmotivated and bored with it and I try to avoid playing when I feel that way. But in life I am running pretty good at the moment.

I never considered being a full time poker player all that long. It is something I definitely want to experience but I have always had my mind set on educating myself sooner or later. The past few years I have on and off been thinking of going to medschool. Medicine facinates me alot and I think it would suit me perfectly. Unfortunately it is really hard to get in since you pretty much need perfect grades from high school(which I definitely dont have durr) or you can score a top score on the swedish "högskoleprovet" which I guess is the equivalent of the american SAT.

Yesterday I recive the results for högskoleprovet which I did like a month ago and I binked it at 1.9, 2.0 being the top score so I was very close at acing it. Now this morning I read in the paper that getting into medschool has become alot easier on several schools in sweden and that you now proably only need 1.8 or 1.9 where you used to need 2.0

I am very happy right now, I will apply to a couple of schools next semester so if all goes well I will start school again next fall. This would be pretty great, I think just playing poker without a plan has been wearing down on me as I feel pretty useless, but now I have a goal set and I can spend the following year just getting as good as i possibly can at poker and bank as many dollars as possible.

Ship my life ogoggoo

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Transfer help plx
  SakiSaki, Nov 05 2008

Need $200 on FTP for $200 on stars. Anyone?

edit: done, thanks naz!

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My hero
  SakiSaki, Oct 23 2008

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