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DooMeR blog

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Advice for US player! plZ
  DooMeR, Dec 28 2012

Recently I've been putting in most of my time playing Ipoker and was wanting to get some money on heropoker again so i could dual site since the traffic at Ipoker can be really bad at times. So I'm wondering now that hero is out of the picture who has some good rakeback deals on merge? Also does anyone know anything about bovodo? or however u spell it. Im very curious about that one 0.o. And what kind of rakeback ect they have going on. Thanks bros

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stars for ipoker
  DooMeR, Apr 09 2012

is anyone willing to trasnfer 2.5k on Ipoker for my 2.5k on stars? unless i know ur balling im gonna ask for u to transfer first i dont care the increments =_= even if you want to do 200 at a time or something. Again my stars money for your ipoker moneys

that is all folks :o

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advice please! ;[
  DooMeR, May 23 2011

So the DOJ screwed up a lot of peoples shit. So no surprise but i am at a loss of what to do. I am in a tough situation right now. I'm also sure other people have had to make similar choices. I am somewhat forced to leave the country in order to make what I consider acceptable money for my future. But my girlfriend cannot leave the country because she is trying to finish college. She has a year left but a year of downtime in this rapidly changing game. Is an eternity. not to mention the opportunity cost for that time wasted. Unfortunately the only scenario that makes sense because of VPNs being no good is for me to get a place somewhere and grind. And then come visit AZ frequently. If anyone knows of any other work arounds that would be helpful but the plan i am debating with right now is to roomy-up with someone in canada and just grind a ton of poker, and then come visit for 1 week out of the month.

Any input would be appreciated. whether its about logistics of moving to canada, other ideas for my situation, offers to live with one of you. Ect ect ^_^ plz help a brotha out.

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Usually i brag
  DooMeR, Aug 11 2010

not today.

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/life t.t

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yea so... BRAG
  DooMeR, Mar 04 2010

i just had my biggest day ever!

had a 15.5k day at 10/20 live at the bellagio. I almost busto'd my mini roll i brought here, was down to my last 2.2k from the 15k i brought with me. (i was in for 2.8k and got stacked and then rebought for my last 2.2k) and ran it up to 20,500 in about 5 hours.

pretty sweet result and definitely a brag but i feel pretty good right now. Also pulled the biggest bluff of my life, and a couple nice call downs.

definitely an awesome end to a vacation that was not too fun. The games at the bellagio tbh were actually pretty terrible. There were quite a few good players, including thewh00sel, Ooooohhhhhh (i think thats his name on stars?), a couple of pretty good live pros (and i think most livepros blow). Not many BIG fish at all. At one point we had a table that litteraly was probably as tough as an online 5/10 table (me and ohh agreed). Thankfully the table tonight was pretty decent, not AMAZING but certainly a pleasent change.

I go back to AZ tomorrow night so i gotta get some sleep. GOOD NIGHT!

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Short but sweet
  DooMeR, Mar 01 2010

Well i haven't updated this peice of crap in a while. So since im in vegas by myself on small poker vacation. And in my room kind of bored... So anyway.

last month i barely played (only played live poker, not 1 hand online), but i still crushed and made 18k playing 5/10 live. ship it holla.

as for this month i also hardly played and made about 16.5k. Mostly live but i played some online to maintain supernova status. Also to practice i guess, since live can numb your perspective on what is abc is what is not lol. I'm gonna start playing more online again, I have been playing very good lately imo. The past 2 months have been a great joy to be able to take the time and refocus some and avert massive burnout. All night after my session today I have been feeling the fire burning again. So with my new found peice of mind and perspective on life. Added together with my further advancement in da pokar skillz. I am ready to put in the time and volume again. Last year although i failed at supernova elite, i did manage my biggest year ever at around 140k with around a million hands online. I also played a ton live and a decent amount of that money came out of the old brick and mortar. So hopefully I can put in that same volume this year.

Its actually kind of funny that I am listing last year as some sort of accomplishment as far as time spent playing goes. Because I only really played about 30 hours a week on average. Hardly a milestone in workethic... oh well i guess that doesn't include time spent watching videos and surfing LP in the nude.

Oh well lets see how often i update in the future. BTw im playing a bunch of starcraft2 lately. Im 3rd in my division (was when i stopped playing) and getting a decent feel for it after being TOTALLY anihilated at first.

ALSO i am addicted to call of duty MW2, another reason ive put in much less volume this year!

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Important shit!
  DooMeR, Nov 30 2009

.... there is none in this blog.

I just looked at my facebook page a couple of days ago and today got around to getting it a little up to date. Basically I pretty much just ignored all the old messages, to make room for new ones. Since I am too lazy to go through all of them. And while doing this I realized how many people from highschool/college and even my family i haven't talked to in forever. I hadn't even taken the time to log on facebook to see they had commented on my stuff and sent me messages. I felt kinda dumb because its so easy to log on for like 5 minutes every now and then and see what everyone is up to. Say some hello's and get some updates.

As for poker results =>

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I took a really relaxed approach this month, a bunch of days where I did pretty much nothing. Its wierd I love trying hard and working hard at poker, but outside of poker I have a hard time not doing nothing. I sit and watch TV. I saw season 1 of fringe this month, season 1 of criminal minds. season 1 of trueblood, season 8 of family (? it was the latest one but i forget). I finished the shield and I am going to be continuing with all the other series I mentioned as I liked them all. I also bought the boxset for the wire since I saw it and was planning on watching it anyway. And its like 100$ cheaper than buying it season by season. Oh btw if i didn't mention it before, i always buy the seasons except on rare occations. I love collecting them sadly sometimes i get shitty ones.

NO one watch the Sarah Conner Cronicals it was so insanely bad. same with firefly, and frankly I think 24 blows too, except for season 1. If it was called 7, i wouldn't mind it, but when the big conspiracy kicks in it just becomes boring.

Anyway guys ENJOY LIFE, STUDY THE GAME, MAKE GOOD FRIENDS AND LEARN. Open your nit minds and poker will open her legs for you

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Newbs gotta know
  DooMeR, Nov 08 2009

Yo so after 2 months breakeven (mostly live poker) I finnally got my grind pants back on. Its been tough getting readjusted to 1/2 mass tabling and although ive developed some back habits ive been working hard the past week to think about the game tons and I finnally got to show my progress today by running hot as fuck. Here are my results for my biggest day buyin-wise.

Very very fulfilling session. Feels great to work hard and be so bluntly slapped in the face by the deck. Allowing for some serious confidence building.

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Endless frustration
  DooMeR, Jul 11 2009

Ok so this is going to be a rant, but more a lifestyle rant than anything. I'll say it now, this is a rant on how society/friends/family outside of poker view my lifestyle. And if you fall into that category, which i know some do. Some of you dont like people to brag. This is not a brag post though, however it does contain a lot of content which people wont understand and will probably just make me look stuck up. If you can stand that, then continue reading. I know that the core LP'ers that are successful share these feelings too at times. And nothing really triggered my frustration but i really feel it building up. And frankly its getting a little tough to deal with. I am going to put the rant in a spoiler for people who do not want to read it to just skip.

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Sorry for the rambles. and probably a lot of grammatical error.

On a side note. I just got back from vegas with my girlfriend yesterday. And I am about to hit the grind as soon as i hit the post button.

Btw i am setting myself a goal of 8 hours a day 5 days a week totaling 40 hours a week obv i might occationally have to make up some time on other days though. Starting tomorrow. And I will let you know that I WILL get supernova elite.

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For Clayton Maguire
  DooMeR, Apr 24 2009

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