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freehatch   United States. Dec 03 2008 19:30. Posts 95
I hesistently admit I was drawn into poker from the prospects of making a lot of money. I was first introduced to the idea from ilnp's money tracking website he started years back, but I did not start until the launch of LP. I had losely followed the poker talk on, but had not gained enough interest to give it a shot. I initially started with a free $50 bucks from partpoker, a free 20 from CDpoker, and a free 20 from pokertime. I naively thought I could hop on board the poker train and get rich quick. 2 months later I had gotten nowhere, and my interested faded. Then my poker accounts were locked out becuase apparently poker players are terrorist. I quit for 3 years.

I started again this past summer, and I am comitted to being successful. I am 100k hands into my poker experience, and have grown to enjoy the game, yet admittedly without the prospect of financial gain I would not still be playing - it's just to damn frustrating. Here I am less interested in tracking my poker ups and downs, but rather the impact it will have on my life. I expect this to only be interesting in hindsight.


Bank roll: $526
Limits: NL10
Monthly poker take home: 0

Job: Restaurant manager
Salary: 42k
Hrs/wk: 50

Debt: 10k credit cards. 120k house.
Discretionary income: 0

Short term: NL50 in 2 months
Mid term: pay off debt
long term: quit my job

Will attempt to update weekly.

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sniderstyle   United States. Dec 03 2008 19:33. Posts 2046

I don't really like new people but you come off as smart and dedicated with a real goal and order towards things. I think you're going to make and and will follow your career.

Genginho: lose today 100 dollar only because of fishs they called and had luck on river 

RICHI8   United States. Dec 03 2008 20:23. Posts 1341

You are a lot like me. Right now poker to me is like a high interest savings account to pay off loans but I hope to make it my primary income. I don't really see any other job in this world fitting for me.

Best of luck to you.

 Last edit: 03/12/2008 20:24

k2o4   United States. Dec 03 2008 21:12. Posts 4803

Snider said what I was going to say.

Post hands, study and stay dedicated and you will move up. It could take a while but persistence is the name of the game in poker. 

seatown12   United States. Dec 04 2008 01:26. Posts 1193

at what BR are you planning to move up to 25nl and 50nl? Good luck seems like you have the right attitude

Im like a motherfucking bulletproof tiger 

freehatch   United States. Dec 05 2008 02:38. Posts 95

  On December 04 2008 00:26 TedHastings wrote:
at what BR are you planning to move up to 25nl and 50nl? Good luck seems like you have the right attitude

Thanks for the encouragement. I am moving up to nl25 at $550, and will drop back down to nl10 if I hit $500. I will probably hit nl50 at $1200, but I will take it one step at a time.


freehatch   United States. Jan 09 2024 20:41. Posts 95

Update: I failed out of poker a really long time ago and never went back. Cheers to those more successful!


PuertoRican   United States. Jan 10 2024 03:41. Posts 13076

  On January 09 2024 19:41 freehatch wrote:
Update: I failed out of poker a really long time ago and never went back. Cheers to those more successful!

Rekrul is a newb 

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jan 10 2024 03:56. Posts 15163

Awesome :D

93% Sure!  


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