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RiKD    United States. Dec 30 2023 05:38. Posts 8769
I know that it feels better to get 5 reps heavy on a last set on the deadlift. Certainly feels better than getting a level in Baldur's Gate 3. I want to get a level in real life.

I was talking to my friend the other day saying how I want more adventure in my life. He said that adventure is selfish. On grand scale think of someone like Alexander the Great or the Conquistadors in Aztec Latin America. Fucking murderous greed super selfish.

So, I don't know what I want but at least I got a haircut so at least I have that going for me.

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lostaccount   Canada. Dec 30 2023 15:36. Posts 6035

humble and modest living, my karma is done, now time to enjoy life, peace is the way karma is a way Jesus is a way. peace of mind is the greatest gift liquidpokerIG 

RiKD    United States. Dec 31 2023 04:53. Posts 8769


The economy was great under Donald Trump.


The economy has been better under Joe Biden.

So, many perceptions it is hard to keep up.

What did Nietzsche say? Something like "every truth is lies agreed upon."

I am in a state where I think blogs are a waste of time. My past thoughts I have to make sure are clear-thinking on clear-thinking or else it is a waste. My future thoughts are riddled with depression, anxiety, or stupidity and / or even hubris and nothing actually exists yet.

Saying I am having a good time here listening to Caribou Odessa and typing up gobblygook. I am feeling pretty good. I am thinking that I will go downstairs and find some gobblygook for dinner. I have some Indian Aloo Gobi but I ate that for lunch so I think I will eat some oatmeal instead. This is all trite and boring and in other words a waste.

RiKD    United States. Dec 31 2023 05:39. Posts 8769

Look itsa wammin

 Last edit: 31/12/2023 05:56

RiKD    United States. Dec 31 2023 05:42. Posts 8769

The Aesthetic

RiKD    United States. Dec 31 2023 05:45. Posts 8769

Oh, I forgot I need an Aryan wammin to make lots of babies

PuertoRican   United States. Dec 31 2023 07:31. Posts 13076

Rekrul is a newb 

CurbStomp2   Finland. Dec 31 2023 18:59. Posts 261

hope you didn't lift with those jeans on. shit is university of life af.

RiKD    United States. Dec 31 2023 19:50. Posts 8769

  On December 31 2023 17:59 CurbStomp2 wrote:
hope you didn't lift with those jeans on. shit is university of life af.

I still don't know why you are so sensitive to that. I used to have a buddy let's call him Chad Marine because he was a Chad and a Marine. Outlifted most in the gym at anything at low bf %. Banged whoever he wanted in there. Chad Marine wore jeans more days than not. I realize my situation is different since I outlift barely anyone in the gym at a higher bf % and bang no one ever. I don't think I can "pull it off." It was more a case of not giving a fuck and no one else gave a fuck either.

RiKD    United States. Dec 31 2023 20:14. Posts 8769

Except you Curb. You are the only one that cares. And, FURTHERMORE, do you even lift bro?

CurbStomp2   Finland. Dec 31 2023 21:05. Posts 261

  On December 31 2023 19:14 RiKD wrote:
Except you Curb. You are the only one that cares. And, FURTHERMORE, do you even lift bro?

I do lift! I just started again, but I have couple of years of experience. I lost 7kg when stopped living like a pig and figured I wanna lose more. I've done lot of inclined walking on a theadmill, which burns a lot of calories when you are overweight, have good speed and the angle is steep enough. So now I do 30 mins of inclined walking and then weights for maybe 45 mins a day. I don't deadlift or squat or any of that stupid shit. Basically it's all about mental health and how I look. I don't care about breaking PR or anything like that.

CurbStomp2   Finland. Dec 31 2023 21:10. Posts 261

Rikked, would you rather look like:

Brad Pitt in Fight Club

Or Reacher

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Dec 31 2023 21:18. Posts 5314

Brad Pitt for sure. Lean muscular is ideal.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Dec 31 2023 21:20. Posts 5314

Consider that the ideal greek hoplite could run to marathon and back. I'm not sure that Jack reachers semi man boobs would allow that.

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beings 

CurbStomp2   Finland. Dec 31 2023 21:31. Posts 261

I prefer Brad's body too. I think loco would prefer Reacher.

CurbStomp2   Finland. Dec 31 2023 21:48. Posts 261

RiKD    United States. Dec 31 2023 21:49. Posts 8769

It's tough having ideals because people's muscles are shaped differently.

RiKD    United States. Dec 31 2023 21:51. Posts 8769

With that said Brad Pitt is an interesting one because he was probably sub 160 lbs. in those movies (Fight Club / Snatch) but aesthetically his muscles look very good. Even as Achilles in Troy he beefs up a bit but it's nothing that spectacular compared to people who train hard for years or maybe it is I don't know.

RiKD    United States. Dec 31 2023 22:10. Posts 8769

Basically, what I am saying is Brad Pitt could roll out of bed looking like Fight Club / Snatch for the most part. He's got great genetics.

If we want to take strength training / body-building seriously we should ascent to higher than that.

CurbStomp2   Finland. Dec 31 2023 22:13. Posts 261

Well reacher is obviously juiced as fuck. You just don't build muscle like that at 39. Probably any age.

 Last edit: 31/12/2023 22:16


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