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re: Summer trip 2023

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PuertoRican   United States. Aug 13 2023 02:03. Posts 13076
I don't have much to post from my summer 2023 trip, as I went to the same countries and did similar stuff as last year.

My girlfriend and I ended up breaking up a couple weeks after I arrived in Belarus because I wasn't ready to marry her like I thought I was, and she didn't want to spend another year in a long distance relationship. We're still friends and we still talk online, but we felt it was better to separate and focus on our own lives.

After I left Belarus, I decided to skip my trip to Cyprus and go to the Philippines instead. While in the Philippines, I had fun on Day 1, then had diarrhea on Day 2, then felt good on Day 3. On Day 4, I felt bad again and ended up getting a serious viral infection that forced me to stay in my apartment for a few days before I booked an early flight home so I could go to the Emergency Room. I was able to mostly recover 10 days after that in time to go back to work.

After I returned to work, my stomach hurt for an entire week and I was crazy constipated, but I am luckily back to normal now as of today.

I will be going to Las Vegas this coming Friday so I can have a short vacation and bet on UFC 292, so I'm excited about that.

Overall, summer 2023 had some okay moments, but it was probably one of the worst summers I've had in a long time, both mentally and physically. I am healthy again and I am currently in my second week back to work. I don't have any plans to travel outside of America until 2024, but as of now, I don't have countries I'm excited to visit, and I don't want to travel internationally again until I get excited about traveling abroad again.

I hope everyone else on is doing well.

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Rekrul is a newb 

rS.Wisdom[9]   United States. Aug 13 2023 13:15. Posts 1288

Thanks for the update! Wishing you all the best, sir!

RiKD    United States. Aug 14 2023 04:32. Posts 8769

That's a bummer man. C'est la vie. I told a friend today I was doing well but I had to think about it. I thought about it and tentatively said yes but there would be caveats. I can be an intense person and a serious person and a person who wants too much. Desires too much. I had another friend tell me I should smile more. I get that a lot. People say I have a great smile and I don't smile enough. I feel like that is something dumb ass guys say to women. I can't just smile on command. Other people have said I have resting miserable face. I guess I have been through a lot. It all adds up that people like when I smile and want me to smile more. I'm not a monkey that dances. People should be happy when I smile because it means more and maybe it does which is why people like when I smile.

Anyways, sometimes the shit hits the fan even on vacation. We are not entitled to anything really except what we are entitled to. People get this mixed up all the time. People think they deserve shit all the time that they just flat out don't deserve. You don't deserve a great vacation even though you are probably a decent enough guy. It's all fucked I say. I am honest with my friends so that is the truth. I have to hem and haw to say I am doing well. My therapist says I am doing well. If I didn't have her involved who knows maybe I think everything is in shambles. If I go out to dinner with some friends and get a whiff of the Other it makes some strides towards drifting away from depression and burnout but that seems to be my autopilot. Work, work, work leads to depression and burnout in the absence of the Other.

RiKD    United States. Aug 14 2023 04:36. Posts 8769

Oh, and for stretches of the last post I forgot this wasn't my blog...

I realized tonight I just fucking give written shares like in an AA meeting because I have nothing to say in AA meetings and rarely hear something new or interesting but I need some form of outlet. AA meetings are BIG TIME inferno of the same energy. But, the point is I know how you guys feel after sitting in that damn AA meeting for an hour with people just going on and on and on about nothing.

PuertoRican   United States. Aug 14 2023 07:56. Posts 13076

  On August 13 2023 12:15 rS.Wisdom[9] wrote:
Thanks for the update! Wishing you all the best, sir!

  On August 14 2023 03:36 RiKD wrote:
Oh, and for stretches of the last post I forgot this wasn't my blog...

I realized tonight I just fucking give written shares like in an AA meeting because I have nothing to say in AA meetings and rarely hear something new or interesting but I need some form of outlet. AA meetings are BIG TIME inferno of the same energy. But, the point is I know how you guys feel after sitting in that damn AA meeting for an hour with people just going on and on and on about nothing.

Rekrul is a newb 

CurbStomp2   Finland. Aug 17 2023 15:38. Posts 261

hoes gon' be hoes

lostaccount   Canada. Aug 28 2023 23:54. Posts 6035

Hope ur okay PR

humble and modest living, my karma is done, now time to enjoy life, peace is the way karma is a way Jesus is a way. peace of mind is the greatest gift liquidpokerIG 

PuertoRican   United States. Aug 29 2023 02:48. Posts 13076

I'm good now.

I might travel to Vietnam during the first week of October, so that'll be cool. Still thinking about it though.

Rekrul is a newb 


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