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Ugh, I'm so lost with NFD in this live game.

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Endo   United States. May 16 2021 02:04. Posts 953

Typing this out as I remember it so ask me questions if I'm leaving stuff out!

1/3 NL Live game. Just sat down an orbit ago so no stats/reads on any players yet. Max buy-in is $400.

Hero (me) has ATss in middle position 7 handed. I have an effective $400ish stack. Villain 1 (bb) has around $250, Villain 2 (button) has around $400.

I raise to 15 (pretty typical raise sizing from me at these games) and button calls, sb calls, bb calls.

Flop comes down 4d 7s 9s. checks to me, I cbet 35 into 60 (check flop?). Button calls. BB raises to 90. First question here is what do we do here? Folding seems just wrong, I was thinking calling would keep button in there sometimes too.

I end up calling, button calls as well.

Turn is a brick, like 2c. Pot is $350

BB jams for $120 more. We...? Obviously it's a call if it's us 2, but with button behind us, do we still like a call here if he could possibly jam over? Not loving calling $120 here and then calling for another $150 if he jams do we just fold turn?

I end up calling, and button ends up tossing a chip in and then announcing all in a second after that. Dealer says it's only a call because he didn't announce it at the same time.

River is a spade so obviously I jam the $150 into 710 and get sigh-called by the button.

I just feel like I mangled this hand super completely but being in middle position just put me in a lot of confusing decisions.

No real thoughts about people's ranges, no one's been a huge whale or maniac in the few hands I've seen since I've sat down, but these games are generally pretty soft and a mix of regs and fish. I later find out that one of the players (the button) is a 2/5 reg who was just playing these games bc the normal 2/5 wasn't running, but had no such info at the time. Also last thought- if I hit I can probably get paid off so I don't mind building a pot on the flop. I generally don't expect to be check/raised too much in these games so when bb is doing it, in my mind villain is pretty heavily weighted towards value hands (2p+) and sometimes a combo draw.

Help me untangle my mess please!

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 Last edit: 16/05/2021 15:32

asdf2000   United States. May 16 2021 07:08. Posts 7694

no don't check flop and I think a jam is fine here on the flop

Grindin so hard, Im smashin pussies left and right. 

Endo   United States. May 16 2021 15:31. Posts 953

I think a flop 3b raise is the worst choice personally... We've got basically no fold equity on the bb and we fold out the button unless he's got a monster too so we basically get it in bad...

asdf2000   United States. May 16 2021 20:29. Posts 7694

You have a monster hand, if you want to play it by calling down for 75%+ of your stack and then folding the river over half of the time (or even worse, just getting put allin on the turn), then I guess that's your business. The BB doesn't even have 100bb.

Grindin so hard, Im smashin pussies left and right. 

lostaccount   Canada. Jan 01 2022 22:35. Posts 6035

its tough i think call n raise both are good on da flop. doesnt always have to be a raise or call. mix it up. so go with ur gut imo.

humble and modest living, my karma is done, now time to enjoy life, peace is the way karma is a way Jesus is a way. peace of mind is the greatest gift liquidpokerIG 

AndrewSong    United States. Feb 04 2022 23:26. Posts 2355

check flop > bet/call > bet/jam

you have no f/e against the raiser and want btn in for ur implied odds, u shouldn't have bet/jam range here at all for simplicity
only thing u accomplish bet/jamming is eliminating tough decision in the future while decreasing ur EV

Endo   United States. Feb 28 2022 01:51. Posts 953

  On February 04 2022 22:26 AndrewSong wrote:
check flop > bet/call > bet/jam

you have no f/e against the raiser and want btn in for ur implied odds, u shouldn't have bet/jam range here at all for simplicity
only thing u accomplish bet/jamming is eliminating tough decision in the future while decreasing ur EV

Awesome, thanks for chiming in (almost a year later) lol

Surprisingly maybe, I'm no longer lost in these spots - I've played a ton of live in the past year and am now a winning reg at 5/10 and 10/20 games and have gotten a LOT better.

So there's some good LP news!

vurna   . Oct 27 2022 17:13. Posts 124

--- Nuked ---


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