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1/2 hand, long break from poker - did I play this right?

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Endo   United States. Nov 08 2019 07:28. Posts 953

No stats on opponent. FR, he's playing 386, I have a stack of 837 so I cover. I'm in UTG+3 with KsQs

Straddle to 4, UTG + 2 calls, I raise to 16, Hijack (villain in our hand) calls, button calls, UTG + 2 calls.

4 to the flop, pot is 71

Flop is Js 9s Qh

UTG + 2 checks, I bet 44, villain calls, other 2 fold.

Turn is Ah, pot is 159

I bet 105 - (should I have checked here?)

Villain jams for 342.

I ...?

is this a clearcut decision? Did I play any streets (such as the turn) incorrectly?

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 Last edit: 08/11/2019 07:28

Endo   United States. Nov 08 2019 08:16. Posts 953

Thought process on turn was I'm still ahead of a lot of Qx or pair/draw type hands and I want to set up for a jam on the river if I hit. Do I have enough equity against his range to call his jam on the turn?

I assume he'll probably have JJ, 99, QQ, KT, 8T, all the 2p's too...

not sure if it's likely to assume random deepstacked 1/2 players to jam with pair + straight draws for 400bb pots tho?

Is this a fold against that range? Assuming he doesn't just randomly spazz out is this a fold on the turn?

Would c/c turn c/? river have been a better play?

PoorUser    United States. Nov 08 2019 21:32. Posts 7471

check turn. stuck calling the shove now.

Gambler Emeritus 

Endo   United States. Nov 09 2019 00:04. Posts 953

  On November 08 2019 20:32 PoorUser wrote:
check turn. stuck calling the shove now.

Ok suppose I check turn - is my plan to check/call turn and still check/call river for all blank rivers?

If I check/call turn and I hit my straight or flush on the river do I ever donk jam or just check river? Seems terribly imbalanced but I also think most of these players probably check behind on scare cards on the river if it hits so I'd get no value.

PoorUser    United States. Nov 09 2019 04:07. Posts 7471

c/c turn, prob lead small on a offsuit ten river and check everything else for live.

Gambler Emeritus 

sin43k   Ukraine. Mar 04 2020 14:27. Posts 1

--- Nuked ---

lostaccount   Canada. Mar 15 2020 23:41. Posts 6035

check flop, pf size too small at least 20 but 24 sounds good

humble and modest living, my karma is done, now time to enjoy life, peace is the way karma is a way Jesus is a way. peace of mind is the greatest gift liquidpokerIGLast edit: 15/03/2020 23:42


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