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Best learning material for donkaments

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lucky331   . Dec 08 2018 01:58. Posts 1124

inspired by the news of that guy who won 1 mirrion from 5.50 satelite.

i am a total tournament newbie. what should I read/watch/learn? thanks.

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 Last edit: 08/12/2018 01:59

Trav94   Canada. Dec 08 2018 04:52. Posts 1787

Probably the best material out there right now.

lucky331   . Dec 08 2018 06:31. Posts 1124

i meant materialS.

whammbot   Belarus. Dec 09 2018 06:39. Posts 521

watch Raszi's twitch channel, it's fun and you really get inside his aggro thought process in donkaments. Maybe dial it back down a bit coz I see him go really aggro in spots ordinary players could pass up.

lucky331   . Dec 09 2018 11:28. Posts 1124

thanks, will do that. i'm also looking for some basic stuff. shaun deeb's 180 man guide was a good practical guide, though old.

Chewits   United Kingdom. Dec 09 2018 20:47. Posts 2539

Raise your edge. Not free, but bencb is one of the best MTT players out there.

I am a degen. Do not believe in any of my advice. 

lucky331   . Dec 10 2018 14:20. Posts 1124

i don't need anythjng that advsnced. just some basic stuff.

whammbot   Belarus. Dec 11 2018 08:05. Posts 521

basic and solid donkament strats kevin martin and that fat dude i forgot his name

Trav94   Canada. Dec 12 2018 10:18. Posts 1787

  On December 09 2018 10:28 lucky331 wrote:
thanks, will do that. i'm also looking for some basic stuff. shaun deeb's 180 man guide was a good practical guide, though old.

It was a fucking joke bud. Of course that guide from 2007 isn't relevant unless maybe you've never played a poker hand before..

lucky331   . Dec 13 2018 05:06. Posts 1124

  On December 12 2018 09:18 Trav94 wrote:
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It was a fucking joke bud. Of course that guide from 2007 isn't relevant unless maybe you've never played a poker hand before..

i liked it. it was practical thinking.

[GiTM]-Ace   United States. Dec 14 2018 00:37. Posts 1585

lol i learned tournaments from that 180 guide lmaoo.Started my Bankroll. i thanked deeb in person for teaching me the ways lol.

[GiTM]- GoSu in the Making 

lucky331   . Dec 14 2018 03:42. Posts 1124

  On December 13 2018 23:37 [GiTM]-Ace wrote:
lol i learned tournaments from that 180 guide lmaoo.Started my Bankroll. i thanked deeb in person for teaching me the ways lol.

yep, like you didn't suck and had to start somewhere.

but you probably sucked anyway and didn't make it out of the micros that's why you like laughing at people who actually try to get better.

 Last edit: 14/12/2018 03:48

SPEWTARD   Peru. Dec 16 2018 07:55. Posts 4306

just play a lot

Rise and Shine 

traxamillion   United States. Dec 19 2018 02:42. Posts 10468

that raise your edge site seems decent as far as training materials go.

Chewits   United Kingdom. Dec 19 2018 10:52. Posts 2539

There are lots of free live videos on RaiseYourEdge youtube channel which has plenty of information to help you improve -

I am a degen. Do not believe in any of my advice. 

[GiTM]-Ace   United States. Dec 25 2018 20:07. Posts 1585

  On December 14 2018 02:42 lucky331 wrote:
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yep, like you didn't suck and had to start somewhere.

but you probably sucked anyway and didn't make it out of the micros that's why you like laughing at people who actually try to get better.

I was serious.... gl getting better...

[GiTM]- GoSu in the Making 

lucky331   . Dec 29 2018 17:20. Posts 1124

  On December 25 2018 19:07 [GiTM]-Ace wrote:
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I was serious.... gl getting better...

it's not even about me getting better. it may or may not happen. it's about you trying to put other people down, what's that about? that part i don't get, unless you're one of those sad dudes here wanting to kill themselves.

[GiTM]-Ace   United States. Jan 04 2019 01:53. Posts 1585

where did i try to put you down again? O_O
edit- i reread my post just to make sure. i didn't even mention you i only talked about me lol. are you just trolling me?

[GiTM]- GoSu in the MakingLast edit: 04/01/2019 01:55

lucky331   . Jan 04 2019 17:47. Posts 1124

  On January 04 2019 00:53 [GiTM]-Ace wrote:
where did i try to put you down again? O_O
edit- i reread my post just to make sure. i didn't even mention you i only talked about me lol. are you just trolling me?

oh you weren't sarcastic and you actually thanked shaun deeb in person???

[GiTM]-Ace   United States. Jan 05 2019 14:02. Posts 1585

  On January 04 2019 16:47 lucky331 wrote:
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oh you weren't sarcastic and you actually thanked shaun deeb in person???

lol yea.Back then he lived pretty close to me in Mexico.I thanked him because that guide started my bankroll for me.As primitive as it was I won a $4 180 when I was basically done with poker. Then I joined a training website.

I guess i came across sarcastic in first post because the guy sent you that guide as a joke but it actually helped me back in the day so thought it was funny.

[GiTM]- GoSu in the Making 


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