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Master of Puppets

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PuertoRican   United States. Sep 18 2022 08:04. Posts 13076

A master of puppets is someone who has control over a person or people and their life. One could say that a master is a puppet's "source of self-destruction."

Our very own Joey Ingram sat down with Bryn Kenney earlier this month to let the poker scene's most infamous man share his side of the recent poker scandal story, which he felt he was unable to do in previous interviews. Joey asks a myriad of questions and doesn't sugarcoat anything -- he puts pressure on Bryn any chance he can get, almost as if they're in an aggressive heads-up match for a WSOP bracelet.

"I think as a society as a whole, we shun people too much when they make mistakes, and then they're going to be so hesitant to make another decision, so they're just going to follow the crowd. I think the best that we can do is, when we see someone making a mistake, isn't to laugh at them or to ostracize them, but maybe to give them a different viewpoint, so that you can help them make better decisions in the future and not scare them into hiding." -- Bryn Kenney


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Rekrul is a newbLast edit: 18/09/2022 08:04

CurbStomp2   Finland. Sep 18 2022 08:51. Posts 261


PuertoRican   United States. Sep 19 2022 08:23. Posts 13076

  On September 18 2022 07:51 CurbStomp2 wrote:

I barely follow poker, but I still heard about this guy.

Did you retire from poker altogether?

Rekrul is a newb 

whammbot   Belarus. Oct 07 2022 07:57. Posts 521

any cliffs what scam poker has to offer lately

lostaccount   Canada. Oct 13 2022 13:21. Posts 6035

  On September 19 2022 07:23 PuertoRican wrote:
Show nested quote +

I barely follow poker, but I still heard about this guy.

Did you retire from poker altogether?

lol if u dont know byrnkenny then u dont know poker

humble and modest living, my karma is done, now time to enjoy life, peace is the way karma is a way Jesus is a way. peace of mind is the greatest gift liquidpokerIG 


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