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Show hand : 915550

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Handnr: 915550
Submitted by : LemOn[5thF]

***** Hand History for Game 1111111111 ***** IPoker
$50.00 USD NL Texas Holdem - Thursday, August 11, 03:44:39 ET 2011
Table Xiuop No DP 50 bb min Real Money
Seat 6 is the button
Seat 1: Player1 $51.50 USD
Seat 3: Player3 $50.00 USD
Seat 5: Hero $65.68 USD
Seat 6: Player6 $24.25 USD
Seat 8: Player8 $53.94 USD
Seat 10: Player10 $65.30 USD
Player8 posts small blind [$0.25 USD].
Player10 posts big blind [$0.50 USD].

Dealt to HeroKhAd
Player3 folds
Hero raises [$1.50 USD]
Player6 raises [$4.50 USD]
Player8 raises [$11.75 USD]
Player10 folds

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r0mx0   Slovakia. Aug 11 2011 12:08. Posts 1580

profitable fold ? - was bout to ask why u not post stats there ... man and why u left stars ? what level were u ? just because few bi below EV ?

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You gotta plow through that shit ! Last edit: 11/08/2011 12:10

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Aug 11 2011 12:08. Posts 15163

w/ stats import doesn't work for ipoker? :O

93% Sure!  

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Aug 11 2011 12:10. Posts 15163

3bettor is a nit, but has been 3betting me a lot this session (sample size? like 3 times, his 3b is 5%) :O
cold 4better is 31/25/7% 3bet, 10% 3b v steal
0% 3bet in sb over 300 hands

I was playing pretty loose preflop, but folding to 3bets, to both these villains.

I just pitched it but I'm wondering if I'm not too nitty (I have to account with getting tilted if I lose at new site )

93% Sure! Last edit: 11/08/2011 12:16

waga   United Kingdom. Aug 11 2011 12:13. Posts 2375

You open from CO , Btn 3 bet and sb 4 bet , I never fold

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Aug 11 2011 12:20. Posts 15163

so just ship it ? is flat ever an option and what's our plan if we do? (3bettor is half stack)

93% Sure!  

sunnysky7   . Aug 11 2011 12:32. Posts 1549

close spot , i would probably ship for information , have to know sb stealing here or not
and sometimes sb hero fold JJ/QQ bcuz the shorty btn behind

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Aug 11 2011 13:00. Posts 15163

Yeah I dunno, are ipoker NL50 regs 4betting here anything else than QQ+AK? esp. when the nit had 5% 3bet

I saw a dude do this +call a shove with AQo on bodog,but those people are mad

93% Sure!  

eestwood   United Kingdom. Aug 11 2011 13:05. Posts 702

ez fold for me.. flipping or crushed most of the time

can we all ball 

Almebeast   Sweden. Aug 11 2011 13:35. Posts 797

Snap muck because BTN is short. Cant see SB cold 4b bluffing here ever.

After all is said and done, more is said than done. 

waga   United Kingdom. Aug 11 2011 14:24. Posts 2375

  On August 11 2011 12:35 Almebeast wrote:
Snap muck because BTN is short. Cant see SB cold 4b bluffing here ever.

He doesn't 4bet bluff but his stackoff range is lighter than against a 100bb stack
probably TT+ AQ+

Almebeast   Sweden. Aug 11 2011 14:37. Posts 797

Well I guess we have enough fold equity vs that range to make a shove profitable. But just because SB should be 4betting wider for value vs half stack that doesnt mean he really is.

Still I guess you are right though. If SB is 4betting anything worse than say QQ+ and AK in this spot we should have a bluff shove range, and AK is the best possible "bluff".

After all is said and done, more is said than done. 

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Aug 11 2011 15:48. Posts 15163

  On August 11 2011 13:24 waga wrote:
Show nested quote +

He doesn't 4bet bluff but his stackoff range is lighter than against a 100bb stack
probably TT+ AQ+

midstack has 5% 3bet though, he's a tight MSS Scum not a fish

93% Sure! Last edit: 11/08/2011 15:57

nFo   Canada. Aug 11 2011 16:46. Posts 69

  On August 11 2011 14:48 LemOn[5thF] wrote:
Show nested quote +

midstack has 5% 3bet though, he's a tight MSS Scum not a fish

In my experience (at the NL5 mind you) someomne with 5% 3bet who 4bets has my AK beat like 95% (random number to say always) of the time.

 Last edit: 11/08/2011 16:46


All hands submitted by LemOn[5thF]:

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