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Show hand : 913223

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Handnr: 913223
Submitted by : Mikasaka

Game # 2304204784 - Omaha High Pot Limit EUR 0.10/0.20 - Table "Yokosuka"
Players(max 6):
Waschinho (EUR 53.76 in seat 1)
Hero (EUR 23.91 in seat 2)
lucania64 (EUR 15.49 in seat 3)
Successori (EUR 19.40 in seat 4)
CallMeEvil (EUR 21.88 in seat 5)
jpoffsuit (EUR 18.39 in seat 6)
Dealer: lucania64
Small Blind: Successori (0.10)
Big Blind: CallMeEvil (0.20)


Hero was dealt: AdTs7d6s
jpoffsuit Raise (0.70)
Waschinho Fold
Hero Raise (2.40)
lucania64 Call (2.40)
Successori Fold
CallMeEvil Fold
jpoffsuit Call (1.70)

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $7.50)

jpoffsuit Check
Hero Bet (7.50)
lucania64 Call (7.50)
jpoffsuit Fold

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $22.50)

Hero All-In (14.01)
lucania64 All-In (5.59)
Hero Payback (8.42)

River (Pot : $33.68)


Hero shows: AdTs7d6s (two pairs, Aces and Sixes)
lucania64 shows: 7hKc5cKs (a straight, Seven high)
lucania64 wins: EUR 32.00 (with a straight, Seven high)
Rake: EUR 1.68
Game ended 2011-07-21 17:14:06 EEST

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