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Show hand : 884969

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Handnr: 884969
Submitted by : FrinkX

Full Tilt Poker Game #27338128611: The Multi-Fifty (211897182), Table 107 - 120/240 Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em - 17:48:42 ET - 2011/01/16
Seat 1: the_nutshot2 (3,186)
Seat 2: trontrontron (1,730)
Seat 3: crisbus (6,651)
Seat 4: El Spewtardo (2,860)
Seat 5: 32Beat (5,165)
Seat 6: StateOfTrance (11,023)
Seat 7: ADED (16,404)
Seat 8: ChasingIdiot (7,995)
Seat 9: joaosimaobh (11,300)
the_nutshot2 antes 25
trontrontron antes 25
crisbus antes 25
El Spewtardo antes 25
32Beat antes 25
StateOfTrance antes 25
ADED antes 25
ChasingIdiot antes 25
joaosimaobh antes 25
trontrontron posts the small blind of 120
crisbus posts the big blind of 240
The button is in seat #1

Dealt to StateOfTranceKcKs
El Spewtardo folds
32Beat folds
StateOfTrance raises to 600
ADED calls 600
ChasingIdiot folds
joaosimaobh has 15 seconds left to act
joaosimaobh calls 600
the_nutshot2 calls 600
trontrontron has 15 seconds left to act
trontrontron folds
crisbus folds

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $2,985.00)

StateOfTrance has 15 seconds left to act
StateOfTrance has timed out
StateOfTrance checks
ADED checks
joaosimaobh has 15 seconds left to act
joaosimaobh bets 888
the_nutshot2 raises to 2,561, and is all in
StateOfTrance has 15 seconds left to act
StateOfTrance raises to 10,398, and is all in
ADED folds
joaosimaobh folds
StateOfTrance showsKcKs
the_nutshot2 shows8c6c
Uncalled bet of 7,837 returned to StateOfTrance

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $8,995.00)


River (Pot : $8,995.00)

StateOfTrance shows two pair, Kings and Sevens
the_nutshot2 shows two pair, Eights and Sevens
StateOfTrance wins the pot (8,995) with two pair, Kings and Sevens
the_nutshot2: lol die of aids

Total pot 8,995 | Rake 0
Seat 1: the_nutshot2 (button) showed8c6c and lost with two pair, Eights and Sevens
Seat 2: trontrontron (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: crisbus (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: El Spewtardo folded before the Flop
Seat 5: 32Beat folded before the Flop
Seat 6: StateOfTrance showedKcKs and won (8,995) with two pair, Kings and Sevens
Seat 7: ADED folded on the Flop
Seat 8: ChasingIdiot folded before the Flop
Seat 9: joaosimaobh folded on the Flop

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FrinkX   United States. Jan 16 2011 17:52. Posts 7561

nice call pf nutshot

wp wp wp

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bitch on a pension suck my dong 

FrinkX   United States. Jan 16 2011 17:53. Posts 7561

dont worry ill use ur loot to cure my aids

bitch on a pension suck my dong 

Chewits   United Kingdom. Jan 16 2011 17:54. Posts 2539

"the_nutshot2: lol die of aids"


I am a degen. Do not believe in any of my advice. 

TheHuHu3   United States. Jan 16 2011 18:46. Posts 5544

Why doesn't nutshot post here anymore?

TheHuHu4 coming soon :) 

lucifer   Sweden. Jan 16 2011 18:53. Posts 5955

hands like these?

On February 19 2009 22:21 Confedrate wrote: i dont get it 

nutshot   United States. Jan 16 2011 19:16. Posts 4539

gfy all!

BJLTNYK: d00000000000000000000000000000000000000d 

redrain0125   Canada. Jan 16 2011 19:45. Posts 5455

rofl nutshot

terrybunny19240   United States. Jan 16 2011 19:56. Posts 13829

at least he was nice about it, putting "lol" infront :D


All hands submitted by FrinkX:

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