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Show hand : 883529

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Handnr: 883529
Submitted by : HaiVan

***** Hand History for Game 27103897755 ***** (Full Tilt)
$50.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Saturday, January 08, 08:15:44 ET 2011
Table Supercharger (6 max) (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Seat 1: Hero ( $159.65 USD )
Seat 2: Vesolc ( $63.40 USD )
Seat 3: pingpong8282 ( $50.85 USD )
Seat 4: tresdeuce ( $50.00 USD )
Seat 5: Poka Playa 514 ( $114.95 USD )
Seat 6: pepsipiranha ( $63.50 USD )
Poka Playa 514 posts small blind $0.25 USD.
pepsipiranha posts big blind $0.50 USD.

Dealt to Hero QhQd
Hero calls $0.50 USD
Vesolc folds
pingpong8282 folds
tresdeuce folds
Poka Playa 514 raises $1.75 USD
pepsipiranha calls $1.50 USD
Hero calls $1.50 USD

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $5.75)

Poka Playa 514 bets $2.50 USD
pepsipiranha calls $2.50 USD
Hero raises $7.50 USD
Poka Playa 514 calls $5.00 USD
pepsipiranha folds

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $23.25)

Poka Playa 514 bets $14.00 USD
Hero raises $45.85 USD
Poka Playa 514 raises $91.45 USD
Hero calls $59.60 USD
Poka Playa 514 shows7d,9d
Hero showsQh,Qd

River (Pot : $220.15)

Hero wins $231.40 USD from main pot

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LMS   United States. Jan 09 2011 03:10. Posts 212


read comment 2,3,...,∞ and know why this was my immediate reaction

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 Last edit: 09/01/2011 04:37

Carthac   United States. Jan 09 2011 03:21. Posts 1343

BOOM river

Might wanna consider making your flop raise bigger with a bet and a call. We wanna get all the money into the middle, and there are a lot of bad turn cards to see when if we saw this 3 way.

vlseph   United States. Jan 09 2011 04:34. Posts 3026

lol at limp/calling queens

The only hands a nit balances in his range are the nuts, the second nuts, and the third nuts. 

auffenpuffer   Finland. Jan 09 2011 05:39. Posts 1429

limp calling pre is good because if you raise someone might reraise you

r0mx0   Slovakia. Jan 09 2011 06:36. Posts 1580

You gotta plow through that shit !  

Achoo   Canada. Jan 09 2011 06:46. Posts 1454

  On January 09 2011 04:39 auffenpuffer wrote:
limp calling pre is good because if you raise someone might reraise you


Odds are exactly 50%: it either happens or not 

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Jan 09 2011 08:31. Posts 15163

this is a level right?

93% Sure!  

auffenpuffer   Finland. Jan 09 2011 12:57. Posts 1429


All hands submitted by HaiVan:

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