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Show hand : 819553

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Handnr: 819553
Submitted by : qwerty67890

Stage #2009573985: Omaha Pot Limit $0.02 - 2010-04-20 14:29:55 (ET)
Table: BOOM DR (Real Money) Seat #4 is the dealer
Seat 4 - MUGZY333 ($3.13 in chips)
Seat 5 - PARIS23 ($4.11 in chips)
Seat 6 - MUZIKMAN78 ($3.09 in chips)
Seat 1 - BYRNESAM85 ($3.38 in chips)
Seat 2 - HOUSEOFEL ($1.90 in chips)
Seat 3 - UP_QUARK ($1.94 in chips)
PARIS23 - Posts small blind $0.01
MUZIKMAN78 - Posts big blind $0.02

Dealt to BYRNESAM85QsQc9cTs
BYRNESAM85 - Raises $0.07 to $0.07
HOUSEOFEL - Calls $0.07
UP_QUARK - Folds
MUGZY333 - Calls $0.07
PARIS23 - Folds
MUZIKMAN78 - Calls $0.05

Flop (Pot : $0.29)

MUZIKMAN78 - Checks
BYRNESAM85 - Bets $0.29
HOUSEOFEL - Calls $0.29
MUGZY333 - Calls $0.29
MUZIKMAN78 - Folds

Turn (Pot : $1.16)

BYRNESAM85 - Checks
MUGZY333 - Bets $1.16
BYRNESAM85 - All-In(Raise) $3.02 to $3.02
HOUSEOFEL - All-In $1.54
MUGZY333 - All-In $1.61
BYRNESAM85 - returned ($0.25) : not called

River (Pot : $2.32)


BYRNESAM85 - ShowsQsQc9cTs (Straight, eight to queen)
HOUSEOFEL - Shows5dKdQh4c (Two Pair, nines and fours)
MUGZY333 - ShowsKcJh2sJs (Full house, jacks full of nines)
MUGZY333 Collects $2.34 from side pot-1
MUGZY333 Collects $5.49 from main pot

Total Pot($8.24:$5.78,$2.46) | Rake ($0.41:$0.29,$0.12)
Seat 1: BYRNESAM85 HI:lost with Straight, eight to queenQsQc9cTs -Qs Jd Ts 9d 8h ]
Seat 2: HOUSEOFEL HI:lost with Two Pair, nines and fours5dKdQh4c -9s 9d 4s 4c Kd ]
Seat 3: UP_QUARK Folded on the POCKET CARDS
Seat 4: MUGZY333 (dealer) won Total ($7.83) All-In HI:($7.83) with Full house, jacks full of ninesKcJh2sJs -Js Jh Jd 9s 9d ]
Seat 5: PARIS23 (small blind) Folded on the POCKET CARDS
Seat 6: MUZIKMAN78 (big blind) Folded on the FLOP

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patmcgroin   Afghanistan. Apr 20 2010 05:59. Posts 830

pot da turn

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