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Show hand : 697654

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Handnr: 697654
Submitted by : Artanis[Xp]

PokerStars Game #28785065675: Holdem No Limit ($5/$10) - 2009/05/30 8:12:59 ET
Table Woltjer 9-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: tsifknits ($1557 in chips)
Seat 5: Artanis11 ($1178 in chips)
tsifknits: posts small blind $5
Artanis11: posts big blind $10

Dealt to Artanis11 TsKd
tsifknits: raises $20 to $30
Artanis11: raises $60 to $90
tsifknits: calls $60

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $180.00)

Artanis11: bets $90
tsifknits: calls $90

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $360.00)

Artanis11: checks
tsifknits: bets $110
Artanis11: calls $110

River (Pot : $580.00)

Artanis11: checks
tsifknits: bets $150
Artanis11: calls $150

tsifknits: shows AdAc (four of a kind, Aces)
Artanis11: mucks hand
tsifknits collected $879 from pot

Total pot $880 | Rake $1
Board  Tc8cAsAh2d
Seat 1: tsifknits (button) (small blind) showed AdAc and won ($879) with four of a kind, Aces
Seat 5: Artanis11 (big blind) mucked TsKd

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Artanis[Xp]   Netherlands. May 30 2009 08:32. Posts 4697

lol I've got like 40% 3b%

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lebowski   Greece. May 30 2009 08:36. Posts 9205

there's a thread here in lp to battle people like you . Beware!

new shit has come to light... a-and... shit! man... 

Zanjong   Afghanistan. May 30 2009 08:38. Posts 3076

I think he wants you to 3bet 40%.

Artanis[Xp]   Netherlands. May 30 2009 08:38. Posts 4697

When he folds to a 3b 85% of the time I'm happy to oblige

Naib   Hungary. May 30 2009 08:56. Posts 968

"stinkfist", how cute.

My favourite line is Bet/Fold. I bet, you fold. 


All hands submitted by Artanis[Xp]:

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