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Show hand : 1099375

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Handnr: 1099375
Submitted by : Gumster

PokerStars Hand #241508006122: Tournament #3538514371, $25+$25+$5 USD Holdem No Limit - Level XXX (20000/40000) - 2023/01/31 0:05:28 CET [2023/01/30 18:05:28 ET]
Table 3538514371 190 8-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: bunnymoney23 (855094 in chips, $50 bounty)
Seat 2: gomsipjorn (1249932 in chips, $383.18 bounty)
Seat 3: med colti (991113 in chips, $109.37 bounty)
Seat 4: xrSss (928162 in chips, $165.62 bounty)
Seat 5: DDaga (849930 in chips, $388.25 bounty)
Seat 6: Sycksbe (1587130 in chips, $192.18 bounty)
Seat 7: willianortiz (1269722 in chips, $448.40 bounty)
bunnymoney23: posts the ante 5000
gomsipjorn: posts the ante 5000
med colti: posts the ante 5000
xrSss: posts the ante 5000
DDaga: posts the ante 5000
Sycksbe: posts the ante 5000
willianortiz: posts the ante 5000
Sycksbe: posts small blind 20000
willianortiz: posts big blind 40000

Dealt to gomsipjorn KcKd
bunnymoney23: folds
gomsipjorn: raises 50000 to 90000
med colti: folds
xrSss: folds
Langarinhow is disconnected
DDaga: raises 754930 to 844930 and is all-in
Sycksbe: folds
willianortiz: folds
gomsipjorn: calls 754930

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $1,784,860.00)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $1,784,860.00)


River (Pot : $1,784,860.00)


gomsipjorn: shows KcKd (a full house, Kings full of Sixes)
DDaga: shows AsQs (a flush, Ace high)
gomsipjorn collected 1784860 from pot
gomsipjorn wins $194.13 for eliminating DDaga and their own bounty increases by $194.12 to $577.30
DDaga finished the tournament in 56th place and received $130.11.

Total pot 1784860 | Rake 0
Board  6sKs6d4s6h
Seat 1: bunnymoney23 folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 2: gomsipjorn showed KcKd and won (1784860) with a full house, Kings full of Sixes
Seat 3: med colti folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 4: xrSss folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 5: DDaga (button) showed AsQs and lost with a flush, Ace high
Seat 6: Sycksbe (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 7: willianortiz (big blind) folded before Flop

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