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ahole-surprise   United States. May 14 2009 17:03. Posts 78
I'm back playing poker after a long break.
I was a losing player 2 months ago, playing NL10 with a 50-100 dollar bankroll. Now I think I really understand the game better, especially cash games, and I'm grinding it out at NL2 for the most part.

However, just as was the problem 2 months ago, I find poker really boring at times and on the whole unsatisfying, especially grinding multitables microstakes.

I find tournaments more fun but the site I'm currently on, absolutepoker, is shit when it comes to game selection, both tournies and cash but especially tournies. Also, it's pretty frustrating to play 1 dollar sit and gos and seeing the kind of hands people suck out on you with. I might just shut down poker if it keeps going like this.

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PplusAD   Germany. May 14 2009 17:21. Posts 7180


Well poker is much more about BR management and Discipline then many newbs are aware

U see what i did there with A8 ? He 4 bets and there we go insta jam A8 : ---booooom -- . hahahaha ( Krantz) 

jasper5408   United States. May 14 2009 18:08. Posts 820

if you don't like poker you may want to try something else :/


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