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4kinggenius   United Kingdom. Oct 29 2008 07:52. Posts 317
So my sister called at the weekend and asked to come and stay last night - havent seen her since Christmas and she annoys the fuck out of me but it was difficult to say no!! So her and her knobhead husband rock up yesterday, just seeing them put me on tilt - they decided to crack into my decent wine stock while I was at work (4kingell states - instaban!!) and told me we could go out for dinner. Couldnt fuckin wait...

Anyway I thought i better get some alcohol in me so proceeded to do so at the bar then at dinner (guess which tw@t ended up with the the $200 bill - yep you guessed it!!). I then proceeded to pour more alcohol in me while they drained on about some old shit until I could take it no more and switched the PC and started to play poker in front of them I dont think I was very subtle about how bored I was!!

Fuck knows what they were on about but I was on full steam life tilt 1 step away from pulling my own eye out with a blunt cocktail stick when I decided to see what 1000nl was like. WTF?????

I understand bankroll management and I know sticking your full roll on the felt is the biggest fuck up there is and I know your going to flame the crap outta me

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This blog needs to serve as reminder to me to:

NEVER play these limits again
ONLY play in your BR
NEVER EVER invite my sister over again.....


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NL1K is only ever one drink away...... 

lazymej   Canada. Oct 29 2008 08:09. Posts 2897

don't u play under 50nl or something rofl

4Kingell   United Kingdom. Oct 29 2008 08:11. Posts 1453

Gotta love it. You forgot the $22 turbo result at the same time.... I never realized 1000NL was so easy....

If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles. Sun Tzu  

auffenpuffer   Finland. Oct 29 2008 08:12. Posts 1429

lollol you play nl25? was like your whole roll on 1 table? and u kept playing after being down 600, so epic.
your such a neilly ._.

and btw the shit about you meeting you sister was one of the most depressing things ive read in a while.

 Last edit: 29/10/2008 08:13

4kinggenius   United Kingdom. Oct 29 2008 08:21. Posts 317

Errr yeah normally play 50nl and under - no excuse for playing this level.

Forgot I was playin $22 buy in tourney alongside that I took down at same time too!!

Losing a 2k pot is the most heart stopping, arse nipping experience I have had in a long time

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NL1K is only ever one drink away...... 

Liofle   Bulgaria. Oct 29 2008 08:24. Posts 274

lol, u r a sick animal! BTW, a bad drunken call pf with that ATs .

4kinggenius   United Kingdom. Oct 29 2008 08:27. Posts 317

bad drunken call?? Your shitting me??? Not posting this cos I am proud of my play !!


NL1K is only ever one drink away...... 

lebowski   Greece. Oct 29 2008 08:50. Posts 9205

so you doubled your roll?

new shit has come to light... a-and... shit! man... 

4Kingell   United Kingdom. Oct 29 2008 09:10. Posts 1453

I just looked at the HH you sent me - I should post some hands just to shame you. You were playing 45/32/6.6 - classic drunken play.

If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles. Sun Tzu  

4kinggenius   United Kingdom. Oct 29 2008 09:13. Posts 317

  On October 29 2008 07:50 lebowski wrote:
so you doubled your roll?

Pretty much and lived up to my new number plate

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NL1K is only ever one drink away...... 

terrybunny19240   United States. Oct 29 2008 11:22. Posts 13829

lol amazing

your sister sounds like a bitch, husband too

H_   New Zealand. Oct 29 2008 13:02. Posts 159

hahahaha that's hilarious

eightfourO   United States. Oct 29 2008 14:27. Posts 820

holy shit you lost 7/10's of your BR and then won 1300 wtf!!!!!!!!!!! get lucky one time

I am a god damn Rootin Tootin Shootin Cowboy!! 

d.Apollo   United Kingdom. Oct 29 2008 14:48. Posts 741


d.Apollo   United Kingdom. Oct 29 2008 15:06. Posts 741

upload hands you won ^^

Jedeye   United Kingdom. Oct 29 2008 15:16. Posts 188

  On October 29 2008 07:27 4kinggenius wrote:
bad drunken call?? Your shitting me??? Not posting this cos I am proud of my play !!


but u had 3 pair?

copsnrobbers   New Zealand. Oct 29 2008 15:44. Posts 76

lol nearly rivered for your fucking bankroll. great blog

4kinggenius   United Kingdom. Oct 30 2008 08:02. Posts 317

  On October 29 2008 14:44 copsnrobbers wrote:
lol nearly rivered for your fucking bankroll. great blog

Sooooo not funny!! after i dumped the first $1k i reloaded with my last 600 and then quit when i worked that up to $3.2k.

Am such a bad drunk......

NL1K is only ever one drink away...... 


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