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philrocks123   Canada. Jan 23 2008 16:05. Posts 28

Submitted by : philrocks123

Full Tilt Poker Game #4968977053: $3 + $0.30 KO Sit & Go (37717868), Table 1 - 60/120 - No Limit Hold'em - 17:43:30 ET - 2008/01/23
Seat 1: Mn_Nick (7,441)
Seat 2: royalapple45 (8,975)
Seat 3: AAcrasher (4,790)
Seat 4: delboy1946 (2,190)
Seat 6: Hero (6,990)
Seat 7: superior_tc (3,216)
Seat 8: catsatmat (6,918)
Seat 9: billxcapt (10,340)
Mn_Nick posts the small blind of 60
royalapple45 posts the big blind of 120
The button is in seat #9

Dealt to Hero KcKs
AAcrasher calls 120
delboy1946 calls 120
royalapple45 has reconnected
Hero has 15 seconds left to act
Hero raises to 1,000
superior_tc folds
catsatmat folds
billxcapt folds
Mn_Nick folds
royalapple45 raises to 2,400
AAcrasher folds
delboy1946 folds
Hero raises to 6,990, and is all in
royalapple45 calls 4,590
Hero shows KcKs
royalapple45 shows AcAd

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $14,280.00)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $14,280.00)


River (Pot : $14,280.00)

Hero shows two pair, Kings and Eights
royalapple45 shows two pair, Aces and Eights
royalapple45 wins the pot (14,280) with two pair, Aces and Eights
Hero stands up

Total pot 14,280 | Rake 0
Board:  8d8c3d2hTd
Seat 1: Mn_Nick (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: royalapple45 (big blind) showed AcAd and won (14,280) with two pair, Aces and Eights
Seat 3: AAcrasher folded before the Flop
Seat 4: delboy1946 folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Hero showed KcKs and lost with two pair, Kings and Eights
Seat 7: superior_tc didn't bet (folded)
Seat 8: catsatmat didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: billxcapt (button) didn't bet (folded)

*****1 votes
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milkman   United States. Jan 23 2008 16:12. Posts 5719

stop spamming the blog box, no one gives a shit

Its hard to make a easy buck legally, its impossible to make a easy buck morally. 

ChoboPokeR_r   Germany. Jan 23 2008 16:30. Posts 4598

--- Nuked ---

Have you ever wondered which hurts the most: saying something and wishing you had not, or saying nothing, and wishing you had? 

vegable   United States. Jan 23 2008 18:39. Posts 2453

who cares man it's $3.30

When you get AA and someone else gets KK are you going to make a post too?

What goes around comes around don't sweat it

Stir fry Normandy 

blunt_smokr   United States. Jan 23 2008 18:47. Posts 1314

lol are you serious?

sick life Faggot

 Last edit: 23/01/2008 18:48


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