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  GoTuNk, Feb 04 2012


First, last week I won a bw tourney which awarded me 80bb. LOL I didn't won I meant 2nd place. fuck sziky

Moving on to interesting stuff.

Smolov delivers. I gained 3-4 pounds, and added 20kg to my raw 1 rep max. Fucking amazing. And it better delivered, cause it was the hardest program I've ever done in a gym. Squatting 142.5x3x10, after doing 135x5x7 the day before was torture, but it turned out totally worth it.

It's amazing to squat raw the same I did at the competition wearing a belt and wraps,
and also failed the first 2 lifts.

Can't wait to start the 2nd part of the program and get those 200kg (belts and wraps add 20kg to my 1rm, so I need 10 more kg of real gains).
This will happen in 7 weeks from now.

Yesterday decided to celebrate with my friends after 3 weeks sober and drink the shit out of everything, which resulted in almost getting alcohol poisoning

Puked twice upon wakeup (5pm) and had a bit of fever, but I feel a lot better now (1am). Still no hunger though, and I'm kinda scared to eat just yet.

Poker been going decent, in terms of the quality of my game and the small volume I decided to put in for january/february, but I'm running like 10bi under ev so no money yet.

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2012: Grow up?
  GoTuNk, Dec 30 2011

So 2011 is about to be over, and I've been thinking a lot (as every year lols) on my future plans and what I want to achieve next year, and my main conclusion is I'm not living up to what I consider my potencial and that I have 2 clear straight paths ahead of me.

My company has been decently successfull and I'm really happy about winning the powerlifting nationals (u can read bellow); however it is true both success has been

Path 1:

I could continue doing what I'm doing now, and be like everyone else. Get drunk ocassionally (aka get wasted x4 a week) the entire summer, and drinking ocassionally trough the year. Keep going to university and passing classes barely with minimum study, and playing tons of starcraft cause I love it and I'm among the top foreigners now. Keep my company running and make like 20k trough the year before we have to spend like 15k in more equipment and profit 35k for the next 2 years.

This path will lead me to living like everyone else, getting a job for a starting salary of 2k in 2 more years and moving away from home in like 5 years or a bit earlier if my brothers wanna help me up (luckily they both doing very well and making tons of money, though I think they are expending more than they should because of their wives/kids)
I will keep looking average with a chubby belly cause I'll keep lifting and being the strongest guy I know, but won't be setting records nor having a 6-pack cause alcohol impairs recovery too much to allow it.

Path 2:

I could pick up poker again and just grind nl25/nl50 for a few extra bucks which will come in handy and evaluate if i'm enjoying/have the skills to start moving up again and working on my game (left it like in february this year after losing 70% of my br).

I could give up on alcohol, as the ammount of wasted money/time and side effects (getting fat and lifting less) is astounding, specially considering how much I usually drink. It's prolly not worth it getting some pussy (really sporadically aswell t.t) against having a perfect body, making a lot of money and having the potential to pick up hotter chicks in the future with said body/money (and the confidence that comes with it)

My company could sell a lot more if I/we respondend mails in time (we need a secretary soon hopefully ), took time to go sell to some gyms as they requested and stopped slacking and started the process of making a new import as there is some equipment (oly shoes/bumper plates) that are ridicously overpriced from the other provider (1 guy) and we could make a shitload of profit, even though we should be careful to not start a prize war.

So given all of the above I plan the follow:

Get wasted for new year and stop drinking for 3 and a half weeks in which I would complete smolov squat cycle first phase. This should bring my squat raw max from 150kg to 170kg (my belt/wraps max). Then re eval, prolly consuming moderate alcohol in the following 2 weeks which involve light training before the following 4 weeks of nightmare, on which I won't drink again. After it, this could bring my squat anywhere in the 200-230kg range. In the long rung, I should just stop drinking.

Pick up poker again and play moderately at nl25 while I keep playing starcraft cause I want to try winning some stuff starting after new year, but eventually start working on my poker game and ditching starcraft completely. That is, if I can be decent againt (beat nl100) and actually enjoy it. Remember in latin america 2k month is a lot of money .

Actually do what my company needs and stop not doing it because of lazyness.

So that's what I hope for 2012, seems a solid plan.

tldr: Stop drinking, pick up poker again, work on my company, break national records in powerlifting.

Edit: added Smolov Squat Cycle. Curenntly on the first week of the "indroductory phase"

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  GoTuNk, Dec 24 2011

I am going to fucking kill you... no matter what

You first have to kill his fucking dog

Then you kill him

and then he turns into this fucking fox looking robot I can't kill

It either spits fire or random explosive balls when its eye get illuminated, and its impossible to tell which one is he doing. You need to position in different places at the stage to defend vs each one, so it ends up being a reflex thing, and its fucking tough. Coming from a b+/1200 fish bw player -.-.

So fuck you SIGMA, you are dying today.

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Powerlifting Nationals Chile 2011
  GoTuNk, Nov 27 2011

Sup, haven't really posted anything lately but I wanted to share what I posted on tl about my results on powerlifting nationals. Hopefully it will be interesting for many.

I traveled on thursday (2 hour drive), so I would have entire friday to cut weight.


Morning I weighted in (brought my scale to my friend's house cause I am that crazy) at 77,35kg. My goal was to compete at 67-74kg weight class. Couldn't find the exact suplements I wanted, but just because of it and not drinking water except from a glass at the morning I was down to 76,3kg.
I then proceeded to use a hot bath tub to dehidratate, and after many inmersions I was down to 74,4 kg and I just couldn't lose more weight. I wasn't even thirsty, so I think I could have gotten down the rest down with more pills, on which I erred on the side of extreme caution (WARNING: DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DO THIS, I DID MY HOMEWORK BEFOREHAND AND TRIED IT PARCIALLY A FEW TIMES BEFORE)
So I was in time for weight ins, and couldn't fit into my weight class; on their scale I was at 74,6kg, so I would compete in 74-82 weight class.
I was kinda sad, but the experience was worth it; it is important to learn how to cut weight safely and effectively as it is a prerequisite to elite competition on weight class based sports.
Anyway, I started the rehidratation process and was at 78,9kg before going to bed. It was really awesome to stuff myself watching SKT vs Team 8. I woke up the other day weighting 77,9kg.


I woke up around 11 am, had eggs with bacon plus 5g of creatine (creatine is a great way to increase water uptake).
I got there around 12:30am, and smaller guys were competing. They decided to troll me by entering the woman's competition inbetween, so my weight class started at around 5pm.
It was fucking hot, and I'm not used to it, but luckily it clouded up so I got into my car and listened metal for around 30 mins with my shoes off; great relaxing before the lifting.

The competition:

It was time. I decided to start with 170kg, as I had squatted 165kgx2x2 the week before.
During the warm up I noticed something that really bothered me: the bar knurls weren't at the same place as the barbells on my gym, so I had no clue where to place my hands. Anyway, I proceeded to my first attempt:

1st attempt: unracked to bar, heard the "down" command, squatted the weight and racked it. I didn't waint for the "rack" command, so it was a no lift. FML
2nd attempt: Ok np, just get there and squat it again, its a light weight. Except it wasnt; for some reason the weight felt fucking heavy and I didn't get deep enough; no lift. OH SHIT DID panic. I had 1 last try, or all my hard work would go down the drain.
3rd attempt:


It was time for bench press. Judges had decided to be particularly gay this competition, so I wanted to start with a light weight: 110kg.
1st attempt:

Supposedly I moved my feet. No lift.
2nd attempt:

Perfect and ez.
3rd attempt:
The strongest guy on the lower weight class (where I wanted to compete) benched 117,5kg. So I asked for 120kg, a moral victory (and would have been a national record on that weight class).
I did it, with ease. However the camera man was at the toilet -_______-.

Now, my favorite lift. THE DEADLIFT.
1st attempt:

2nd attempt:

not that ez, but still.
3rd attempt: I wanted the 3x bodyweight lift.

couldn't lock at the end.

TOTAL: 500kg

With wich, I FUCKING WON.
+ Show Spoiler +

Had I competed on 67-74, I would have been 3rd and set a national bench press record.

Looking foward to the next one, and taking down those 2 guys, who are for sure among the best lifters across all weight classes. They totalled 550kg and 560kg.

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  GoTuNk, Jul 08 2011

304 x 5 @ 165

See previous entry for more info

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  GoTuNk, Jul 02 2011

I don't know how to word this, but the thing I care the most about is to improve my bench/squat an deadlift.

I am currently making continous gains and train 5 times a week. When i'm not training, I spend time reading books and materials about how to improve my technique and different training methods for when my progress begins to slow down. Now that my wrist is injured I spend time on studying and practicing w/o weight the most efficient way to bench.

I also hate weekends cause I can't go to the gym -_-

I was at a meeting 3-4 weeks ago, where I squated 115kg, deadlifted 185kg and failed to bench a 100. Had only a month of practice though.
Unfortunatately no bench or deadlift yet, so i've been focusing on my squat and can now do 130kgx5.

Here is my deadlift at the meet, 2nd total at my weight class in that lift, only thing that made me proud there (Must be noted I did it completely raw, belt/knee wraps will most likely help a bit but gotta buy them and get used to them first).

Here is the guy I need to outlift to become the greatest lifter ever at my weight class.

I don't think its doable, so i'm focusing on winning my national meeting on november 25 atm. Hopefully I'll be able to squat + deadlift 500kg and bench 100+ to win it.

I'll get u guys a video of my 5rm max when I squat 150kgx5 (twice my weight) in 3 weeks.

Was also wondering how good I would get at poker if I liked it as much as lifting heavy stuff. I might pick it up again, not sure when yet though =/.


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Life Update
  GoTuNk, May 25 2011

So I decided to take a month break from poker, mainly cause I didn't want to play with mediocre focus.


My Uni finally got a new gym, and been able to pick up my old passion: Power Lifting. I also found out there was finally be a national meeting, to which I'm attending with 1 month preparation to gain some experience so I can hopefully win by the end of the year.

Tbh my bench/squat suck. I had a month to practice so I only focused on deadlift/bench press, but my deadlift was just on a better starting position. On my last week I decided to learn to squat, so i've focusing on proper technique to get as much carryover from deadlift into it.

Realistic Goal (I'm sure I can make it): Deadlift 180kg, Bench press 100kg, Squat 100kg
Dream Goal: Deadlift 190kg, Bench press 105kg, Squat 130kg.

My weight class is 73kg.

In between, I want to hit 400kg this meeting and 500kg by the end of the year.

Here is my schedule for training so far, everything in pounds.


My business been going well; selling seem to be stabilized atm on around 1.2k/month.
We are also planing on organizing our first seminar dictated by 2 RKC's (certified dragon door instructors). It seems we can cover expenses easily and split profit with them on terms yet to negotiate.


I took a month break from poker cause I was getting run over by obligations (business, uni, etc) and I didn't want to grind without complete focus. Will read some theory on monday/tuesday and resume grinding on may, and depending on the following months I'll determine wether to keep playing or cash out my roll for good.

Regards LP

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  GoTuNk, Apr 19 2011

Of the best Game EVER

So, in 1 day and 9 hours Group D(eath) of MSL will be played, so make sure to not miss it. Lee Young Ho "God" Flash, Kim Taek Shin "The Revolucionist" Bisu and Lee Jae dong "The Tyrant" on the same group. (Sea also there but who cares)

Expect spectaculars game as the arguably top3 bw players battle it out to make it from their groups.

Event Time is 17:00 KST, 10:00 CEST, 04:00 EDT, 01:00 PDT


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Haters gonna hate
  GoTuNk, Mar 17 2011

He is not strong, nor tall, nor good at dribling, not even fast, even though his response time is ridiculous. What makes pippo so awesome is that he is always there, and when it counts.

CL finals, pirlo kicks free fick and it bounces on pippo's chest into the net. He later has no problems to ezpz dodge goalkeeper and seal the deal 2-0.

CL group stage, 4 years later, A.C Milan has NEVER lost home vs Real Madrid. Score is 1-0 and seems 2-0 is about to come. Pato helplessly runs into RM defenders; he is taken out and 36 years old pippo comes in and scores 2 FKING goals to save the day.

They say u a luckbox, that u have no skills. I say YOU SIR ARE AWESOME.

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People are awesome
  GoTuNk, Mar 14 2011

Given how everyone seems to be making blog entries whinning about variance I thought it was worth it to make a blog entry about something else.

How awesome are you?

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