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Deadman's blog

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  Cro)Deadman, Jul 25 2008

Woohoo :D

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Motoparty and general update.
  Cro)Deadman, Jul 21 2008

So as some of you may had noticed from my last update I got wrecked beyond any sense,that was the 1st day of motoparty and I think it was good,day two I was sober and I hooked up with this girl which had been in my plan for quite some time,we made out before and shit but nothing serious until that night so I was like "Yay",the funny thing concerning this is I told her that im running like crap on poker that I'm down 1k for the week and it looks my luck is finally turning,she giggles ofc :D.

And the third day some chick from Zagreb was seducing me on the beach but I basically totally ignored her rofl...

All 3 days really popular Croatian bands were playing and the only band I would say I disliked were some guys from Brooklyn who played some kind of country...I mean seriously what the flying fuck?We want _ROCK_ not some country BS...

Soon a friend from Norway is coming to visit me so I'll try to prepare things for him when he gets here so he has booked appartments and stuff like that,really looking forward to it.

Pokerwise I been running like crap,cashed out like 3.5k,paid a coach,and had left 6k which and then ofcourse I go on a fucking dowswing -10 bi's in 5 days.

So today I get my shit together and make 7 buyins woohoo ship it,the funny thing is I actually played 16/13/20 LOL.

So cliff notes...

Lifes good,Pokers getting better and I'm in loooove.

EDIT:And soon I'll post some pics when I get Remod to take some of us two,hes my real life friend,a great guy and also a grinder,still on micros but perspective young lad XAXA :D

Oh and I also got hit by a car today,but nothing too serious just a bruise on my arm...

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Last night was good.
  Cro)Deadman, Jul 18 2008

But I don't remember anything,just know that I have a really bad hangover.


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help plz,music related.
  Cro)Deadman, Jul 16 2008

I'm trying to find where to download Evergreen music,something in the lines of Dion and the Belmonts.

If someone knows a link to some torrents or a page where I can find that kinda music,or famous bands that I should DL reply!

Thanks people <3!

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Long due update
  Cro)Deadman, Jul 14 2008

So as some of you may had noticed few days ago I FT'd two donkaments for total amount of 6.2k,what most of you dont know is I got ITM in the Million yesterday busted by the guy who became the CL after he busted me,I don't regret it tho,and I'm totally satisified with my MTT game especially taking into consideration my small expirience in them.

With the money I've won trough the donkaments I decided not to move up to NL200 because I think I'm not ready yet,I wannt to first become a solid winner on NL100 over a large sample before taking NL200 shots,I got time no need to rush into anything...I also cashed out like 3.4k so I can pay for my licensce exams (it sums up to 1.8k) mad expensive shit,for that money you can actually buy a used semidecent car here in croatia heh...And I also got some 1-on-1 coaching which had the first session today,I'm very pleased with my coach and employing some concepts in some spots he told me about I just got up 4bi in like 1.2k hands or smth,I'll leave this person anonymous because I believe he would not like for me to publicly advertise him.

Also had a hillarious convo with Radiohead (for those who don't know,hes the person who has been my lets call it a mentor ever since I started poker) and I'm definately a huge fan of the guy.

Heres the funny part of the MSN convo.

Deadman - Dan says:
you're such a character
Deadman - Dan says:
someone like you
Deadman - Dan says:
someone like you is born once in a century
Radiohead says:
Radiohead says:
people like you are around every corner
Radiohead says:
begging for money

And heres a song that describes his thoughts when I tell him I think I'm becoming a solid poker player.

Love you all folks,I wish you all lots of monies and luck in life!

Oh and big thanks to ggplz for being a great friend aswell! <3 Dave

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Lil update.
  Cro)Deadman, Jul 10 2008

So concerning Friday night,it some pretty good.

We first off went to this Festival that had this Tribute to Gibonni (one of most influential Croatian singers) and drank some beer ate some fish...just havin some fun,but it was kinda lame there so me and this one friend of mine decided to go to Split to have some fun,it was kinda dissapoininting to see only two of us of like 13 of us go,and ofcourse us two had no car so we had to take the bus ... FML.

So when we finally arrive at this destionation Hemingway,a kinda preppy disco I already had more then half liter of vodka in me and suddenly my memory gets foggy as fuck.

The only things I remember I tried to start a fight twice,unsucessfully :-(,of one which was due to this cute Polish girl,I can't really remember was she cute cuz I was so wrecked but I think she was,and her boyfriend came to talk to me,I just looked at him for like 4-5 seconds without saying a word and he took off without ever returning while she stood around and talked to me.

Basically I acted like a real asshole and I kinda felt sorry for it the day after.

I'm pretty sure by the end of the night I had ~1L of vodka in me.And as the topping on the end when we got into the bus we actually feel asleep and woke up in a diffrent city,so instead of driving for 45 minutes we drove for 1hr45 mins :-(.

Cliff notes:got drunk,didn't manage to get in a fight,didn't get laid,epic fail.

Pokerwise NL100 seems kinda soft,the fish are bigger and regs are more predictable I think my style works really good against both of the named categories,so im content.

I woulda posted graph and stats but unfortunately my new comp is in the repair and im using my 7 yr old one which doesnt have shit.

Well,peace people!

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WSOP livestream?
  Cro)Deadman, Jul 07 2008

Is there one,if so someone plz link me.

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NL100 so far.
  Cro)Deadman, Jul 07 2008

Well I really can't complain,playing good but running good too,thus my new sig.

O well I know this blogposts somewhat lacks content and altho I'm ready to blog up now I honestly don't have time.

I'll do it later afternoon tho.

Peace out.

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NL100 hi
  Cro)Deadman, Jul 06 2008

Ok first off I wanna start this blogpost by saying I'm still drunk from last night and I have a headache I've never had in my life,totally fucking destroyed.

As some of you may noticed yesterday I took a NL100 shot because I simply understood that at NL50 I don't really try anymore,if you get what im saying.I spew and know it,I bluff bad spots and shit like that.

So I moved up to NL100 with 3k BR,and focused and played my A game...It went good,I won 7 buyins and plan sticking on NL100.

Honestly I can't really say was it because of the way I played or it really is like that,but I got the picture that on NL100 the regs are worse and the fish are bigger.

Oh and people Vodka + Redbull = -EV

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I'm a bastard?
  Cro)Deadman, Jul 01 2008

Lets start with poker for those who have no interest in my life stories...

So as you can see I obviously own at poker,those are FR stars for basically 2 months cuz I played two weeks one month and two weeks last month.

Moving on to life...If you remember when I blogged up about hooking up with a 16 yr old chick,I did and so did my two other friends...We fucked her then blew her off lol e-z life.

And this other friend of hers which looks like some B rated porn actress is actually stalking me,sick shit I swear.I blew her off like 10 times so far telling her that there is no chance in hell that we'll be together,yet she insists even after calling me a heartless bastard in front of like 10-12 of my friends in a bar we go get shitfaced before we go out on Friday nights...Pretty lol,I was amused.

Lately I've been just pulling all kinda shit and I am amazed noone picked up on it,nailed a girlfriend of my friend,the guy knows about it but he just doesn't care,we even make jokes on the topic...God I love summer.

My life looks like this Poker => Coffee => Beach,Beer & Picigin (Picigin is a Croatian water "sport") => getting wrecked at night on the beach and swimming again.

So overall its pretty cool,also spending less money nowdays then I used to (only 500$ a month) which is a fucking joke to me cuz I usually spend 1.5k or even more.

Now im on a Poker mission of getting to NL100 with 50 buyins and so far so good,NL50 regs are fucking terrible and easy to exploit,they all play 12/9/3 or 10/7/5 and just plainly suck.

On the weight losing topic I haven't basically lost none,but chicks say im cute so who gives a flying fuck bout the weight (im 191cm tall and 93kg's fat) but im also bulky (gym and shit) so its not as horrible as I maybe make it sound.

Shoutouts to Radiohead,Erling,Myth,Lachlan,PPluS,Dusty,Lachlan,Nolan etc.

Later people and remember...Beer is the new Black.

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