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Hand Poster Suggestion - Hide Identity

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Maynard!   United States. Jul 09 2010 23:19. Posts 4453

Sometimes people want to hide their ID but with game # its easy to find out who someone is. They can just request game # or get it from any online databases.

Can you guys have "hide identity" also XXXX game numbers too?

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Now I really am a busto. Thanks FTP.Last edit: 09/07/2010 23:20

Raidern   Brasil. Jul 17 2010 14:34. Posts 4243

we going to ask our programmer to look into this
ty for your suggestion

im a regular at nl5 

vivian58   . Jul 07 2012 01:14. Posts 2

--- Nuked ---

vurna   . Oct 27 2022 20:37. Posts 124

--- Nuked ---


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