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PokerStars KILLS mutlitabling with its controversial update - 4 tables maximum

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Garfed   Malta. Aug 22 2019 11:22. Posts 4818

In a matter of rapid and unexpected move, PokerStars has now limited the maximum tables one player can play to 4. The change is effective immediately global-wise. The change has been instantly criticized by almost entire community.

This is what PokerStars has put on their website to explain the change:
"Maintaining a healthy poker ecosystem and balancing the interests of all our players is at the core of what we do. It is our responsibility as hosts to ensure that every player has a safe and enjoyable poker experience.

Ever since the dawn of online poker, experienced players have experimented with multi-tabling and tested the limits of how many hands per hour they can manage. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this and poker will always be about finding an edge over the competition within the rules of the game and the site hosting the game.

However, most of our players play on one table at a time. Without careful management, we risk ending up with an environment where the majority of players find themselves at tables disproportionately populated by multi-tabling players. This can lead to a difficult playing experience. Action at the tables can be regularly interrupted, and many players can feel outmatched and that their chances of winning are diminished.

Last year we announced our intentions to test a table cap of 6 for cash games in Italy. We have now carefully reviewed the results of this and are ready to announce the next steps.

As of today, August 20, players on PokerStars (.be, .bg, .com, .desh, .dk, .ee, .eu, .uk, .ro, .cz, .se, .fr, .es, .pt, .it) will be limited to playing four regular cash game tables at any one time, at all stakes. Table caps for all other games, including Zoom, will remain unchanged.

When we trialled this change in Italy last year, we chose a six-table cap as a hypothetical optimum number. We wanted to test the impact this had on our players, those who typically played more than six tables and the majority who played only one. After careful review of the results over time, we now believe that a four-table cap is, in fact, the optimum number to achieve our goals.

We want to maintain a sustainable poker ecosystem and a platform that players of all abilities are excited to play on well into the future. Attracting and retaining new poker players is crucial to the future of the game. By reducing the table cap from 24 to 4, we are reducing the number of multi-tabling players and increasing the number of more casual one-table players at each table. This should lead to increased win rates on any individual table for the strongest players, while increasing the likelihood that single-table players will meet others like themselves. As a result, they’ll have more chance of experiencing winning sessions and continue to play in the longer term.

We’re poker players ourselves. We understand that this change will have a very real impact on many players, particularly those of you who rely on multi-tabling as professionals. We haven’t taken this decision lightly, and we are confident this is the right thing to do for the future of the game.

I hope that by focusing more on each table and winning more at those tables, you’ll find a way to adapt and continue as part of our community.

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 Last edit: 26/08/2019 13:51

whammbot   Belarus. Aug 22 2019 12:07. Posts 521

2 tabling will come soon, maybe 1 tabling even. they just want less people withdrawing money regularly and would rather have mostly fish and compuslive gambling addicts playing

balakubak   . Aug 22 2019 15:36. Posts 152

Scam. They want everyone to pay more zoom.

  The sum number of tables that you can play on our site at the same time is 24. You cannot open more tables than that when playing.

When determining the number of tables you can open simultaneously, keep in mind that regular cash games and Zoom tables have different values.

Regular cash game tables are worth 1 each, but the max number of tables you can play at is 4.

However, you can still multi-table Zoom on top of that. Each Zoom table counts as 3 regular cash tables.

So, if you're already seated at a cash table, you cannot open more than 7 Zoom tables, as that would go over the hard cap of 24.

For example, any of the following combinations would work:

8 Zoom tables if not playing any ring games
7 Zoom tables if already playing 3 ring games
6 Zoom tables if already playing 4 ring games

This means that you can enter up to 8 Zoom games before you meet the maximum number 24 tables allowed.

Santafairy   Korea (South). Aug 22 2019 16:09. Posts 2231


It seems to be not very profitable in the long run to play those kind of hands. - Gus Hansen 

Trav94   Canada. Aug 23 2019 01:35. Posts 1787

Bovada does this. Good for fun players, bad for regs. Next step is for Stars to get rid of table selection.

ggplz   Sweden. Aug 23 2019 01:37. Posts 16784


if poker is dangerous to them i would rank sports betting as a Kodiak grizzly bear who smells blood after you just threw a javelin into his cub - RaiNKhAN 

Garfed   Malta. Aug 23 2019 10:32. Posts 4818

  On August 23 2019 00:35 Trav94 wrote:
Bovada does this. Good for fun players, bad for regs. Next step is for Stars to get rid of table selection.

tbh regular limit cash games looks like they will be moving 100% into zoom tables in the future. I would still call it 6 / 12 months away, but I can bet its gonna happen. More rake, faster games, no table selection. Win-win for PokerStars.

Trav94   Canada. Aug 23 2019 10:56. Posts 1787

  On August 23 2019 09:32 Defrag wrote:
Show nested quote +

tbh regular limit cash games looks like they will be moving 100% into zoom tables in the future. I would still call it 6 / 12 months away, but I can bet its gonna happen. More rake, faster games, no table selection. Win-win for PokerStars.

The problem with making everything only zoom is that it's bad for fish. Ive never met a fish that preferred zoom. Would be stupid of stars to do that, but look at what they've done in the past so I guess it wouldn't surprise me.

balakubak   . Aug 23 2019 11:13. Posts 152

Ban huds too and bring H@llinggol back.

Nitewin   United States. Aug 23 2019 14:54. Posts 1539

Watching pros play on full tilt was great for poker imo

I had friends in college who weren't poker players at all go on to watch Phil Ivey play

VanDerMeyde   Norway. Aug 24 2019 05:03. Posts 5108

Cant u just play 2 sites ? 4 tables each site


Garfed   Malta. Aug 24 2019 08:59. Posts 4818

  On August 24 2019 04:03 VanDerMeyde wrote:
Cant u just play 2 sites ? 4 tables each site

ofc u can, but that means two bankrolls, two sites to run, two lobbies to operate etc. No recreational player will bother, they dont play over 4 tables anyway.

Its obviously to limit reg vs fish ration at the tables, nothing more

CamilaPunt   Brasil. Aug 24 2019 15:01. Posts 2422

i wish Daniel was still around to drunk comment after this update "haha fuck regs biaaatch" and someone input thug life meme

devon06atX   Canada. Aug 25 2019 16:40. Posts 5458

I think defrag is right w/ his assessment - Zoom is the way of the future

makes total sense for the company to do this, surprised they didn't do it earlier tbh (not saying i like it. I fucking hate stars since they effectively killed fpp... yet I still continue paying 100% of my rake there, ugh)

froboy12342   Canada. Aug 25 2019 16:54. Posts 107

  On August 25 2019 15:40 devon06atX wrote:
I think defrag is right w/ his assessment - Zoom is the way of the future

makes total sense for the company to do this, surprised they didn't do it earlier tbh (not saying i like it. I fucking hate stars since they effectively killed fpp... yet I still continue paying 100% of my rake there, ugh)

Has anyone calculated how much worse their point system is now for regs versus how it was?


casinocasino   Canada. Aug 25 2019 18:13. Posts 3343

Does this apply to tournaments as well?


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