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Show hand : 919305

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Handnr: 919305
Submitted by : LemOn[5thF]

***** Hand History for Game 1111111111 ***** IPoker
$20.00 USD NL Texas Holdem - Tuesday, September 06, 07:21:11 ET 2011
Table Fubuy Real Money
Seat 10 is the button
Seat 1: Hero $22.08 USD
Seat 5: Player5 $20.00 USD
Seat 6: Player6 $20.00 USD
Seat 8: Player8 $6.00 USD
Seat 10: Player10 $20.00 USD
Hero posts small blind [$0.10 USD].
Player5 posts big blind [$0.20 USD].

Dealt to Hero [ X X ]
Player6 folds
Player10 folds
Hero raises [$0.50 USD]
Player5 calls [$0.40 USD]

Flop (Pot : $1.10)

Hero bets [$1.00 USD]
Player5 calls [$1.00 USD]

Turn (Pot : $3.10)

Hero bets [$2.70 USD]
Player5 calls [$2.70 USD]

River (Pot : $8.50)

Hero bets [$7.00 USD]

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LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Sep 06 2011 19:20. Posts 15163

Good 3 barrel spot with bluff against a straightforward reg that calls 30% bvb v steal with clean image?
Basically trying to make him fold some weakish jacks some of the time and 8x 99 77 that he calls on the overcard on the turn.

Do you like the sizing too?

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93% Sure! Last edit: 06/09/2011 19:22


All hands submitted by LemOn[5thF]:

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