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Show hand : 691796

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Handnr: 691796
Submitted by : Big_Rob_48

PokerStars Game #28386930307: Holdem No Limit ($2/$4) - 2009/05/19 16:48:52 ET
Table Posnania V 6-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: kdij ($574 in chips)
Seat 2: Big_Rob_48 ($1126.75 in chips)
Seat 3: decopoker4 ($400 in chips)
Seat 4: blc71664 ($259.40 in chips)
decopoker4: posts small blind $2
blc71664: posts big blind $4
nanonoko: sits out
JPlay2: sits out

Dealt to Big_Rob_48 QdQs
kdij: raises $84 to $88
Big_Rob_48: raises $1038.75 to $1126.75 and is all-in
decopoker4: folds
blc71664: folds
kdij said, "damn"
kdij said, "have to call"
kdij: calls $486 and is all-in
Uncalled bet ($552.75) returned to Big_Rob_48

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $1,154.00)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $1,154.00)


River (Pot : $1,154.00)


kdij: shows JsJh (three of a kind, Jacks)
Big_Rob_48: mucks hand
kdij collected $1152 from pot

Total pot $1154 | Rake $2
Board  JcTh2s4dAd
Seat 1: kdij showed JsJh and won ($1152) with three of a kind, Jacks
Seat 2: Big_Rob_48 (button) mucked QdQs
Seat 3: decopoker4 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 4: blc71664 (big blind) folded before Flop

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Forum Index > pokerhands
Big_Rob_48   United States. May 19 2009 16:55. Posts 3432

kdij: i hate that betting bar o_O
Dealer: kdij, it's your turn. You have 8 seconds to act
Big_Rob_48: no
Big_Rob_48: just dont talk dude
Big_Rob_48: just ****
Big_Rob_48: just s-tfu
kdij: lol u think i fake missclicked?^^
Big_Rob_48: just s-tfu
kdij: lol
kdij: monkeytilt?
Dealer: Big_Rob_48, it's your turn. You have 8 seconds to act
Big_Rob_48: this is real money ya fgt so st-fu
Dealer: Game #28386963496: decopoker4 wins pot ($75)

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royalsu   Canada. May 19 2009 16:59. Posts 3233


SpasticInk   Sweden. May 19 2009 17:02. Posts 6298

lol =S


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