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Show hand : 179099

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Handnr: 179099
Submitted by : spets1

STAGE #638306679: HOLDEM NO LIMIT $0.25 - 2007-04-22 09:43:26 (ET)
Table: BRITTANY DR (Real Money) Seat #1 is the dealer
Seat 1 - 88ROOKIE88 ($15.30 in chips)
Seat 2 - JASONELIS ($16.25 in chips)
Seat 3 - SPETS2 ($28.64 in chips)
Seat 4 - DISMALRIVER ($45.32 in chips)
Seat 6 - CFRAMS ($30.05 in chips)
JASONELIS - Posts small blind $0.10
SPETS2 - Posts big blind $0.25
DISMALRIVER - sitout (wait for BB)

Dealt to SPETS2 KsKc
CFRAMS - Raises $0.75 to $0.75
88ROOKIE88 - Raises $2 to $2
SPETS2 - Raises $5 to $5.25
CFRAMS - Folds
88ROOKIE88 - All-In(Raise) $13.30 to $15.30
SPETS2 - Calls $10.05

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $8.1)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $8.1)


River (Pot : $8.1)


88ROOKIE88 - ShowsQdAd (One pair, aces)
SPETS2 - ShowsKsKc (One pair, kings)
88ROOKIE88 Collects $29.90 from main pot

Total Pot($31.45) | Rake ($1.55)
Seat 1: 88ROOKIE88 (dealer) won Total ($29.90) All-In HI:($29.90) with One pair, acesQdAd - B:As,P:Ad,P:Qd,B:8c,B:5c]
Seat 2: JASONELIS (small blind) Folded on the POCKET CARDS
Seat 3: SPETS2 (big blind) HI:lost with One pair, kingsKsKc - P:Ks,P:Kc,B:As,B:8c,B:5c]
Seat 6: CFRAMS Folded on the POCKET CARDS

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