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OpWestAcct   United States. Jan 13 2010 01:09. Posts 640
I look back. So many thoughts cloud my mind and I have yet to realize when it all began. "It" being the despair that, in this very moment, with so many staggering memories racing through my head, bars me from fluently typing exactly how and what I feel. When I dwell on the past, as I often do, I wonder: how did I become the person I am today? I search for happiness. I search for hope. I search for faith in knowing that one day I can become the man I know I am capable of becoming. Three days ago I decided that I no longer want to be the person I see when I look in the mirror.

Kind of an emo rant that I decided I wanted to turn into a short story as I have always enjoyed writing. Sound interesting at all?

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Fuck me 

vegable   United States. Jan 13 2010 01:31. Posts 2453

i swear your previous post could have been written by me, except for the drinking/smoking/bible parts...

...Sigh 5!!!

Stir fry Normandy 

moonk379   United States. Jan 13 2010 01:36. Posts 355

interesting read. who doesn't feel like that sometime in their life

ill wit it 

Mariuslol   Norway. Jan 13 2010 03:00. Posts 4742

What I recommend for you my friend is Tony Robbins series, Lessons of Mastery. Really interesting stuff which makes you think differently. Stuff like, what actually makes a person happy, feel fulfilled and gives us drives, what it takes to get that drive, explains emotions and how they can cloud our mind, how negative emotions usually just want to tell us that we need to fix something, and they aren't really negative. Like 40 minutes about just trying to improve in something we already know, or learn something we didn't will makes us feel content when we go to bed. Training makes our body release hormons which makes us happy, so forth, tons of cool stuff. Think something like that might do you good.


OpWestAcct   United States. Jan 13 2010 03:23. Posts 640

Thanks man I'll give it a shot. My biggest problem is I always look back to twenty months ago when I believe I was last truly happy. And now I want to replicate that lifestyle for my self again.

Fuck me 

Mariuslol   Norway. Jan 13 2010 05:08. Posts 4742

It's common, most people think about the past, or dream of the future, and don't enjoy the present tense. I also recommend basic meditation, to witness your feelings and emotions, then it's better to pull yourself out of it when you feel down, and become more rational, also it helps you clear out mental baggage.

Like, got really surprised when I found out, people who become bored easily (I was one of them). It's not because you've seen all shows, thought about everything you want to think about, experienced what you want to experience, it's because the mental noise in your head is bzzzing to much, and you're just exhausted and tired of it, a really wise person can entertain himself even with the simplest of things.


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