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I hate it when this happens

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Abhorrence   Canada. Nov 12 2009 05:28. Posts 4

After the flop I was thinking in my head. *I'd laugh if the jack popped up next*, and it does... ROFL

I'm a bit of a poker noob, but I'm pretty sure I made the right fold there. (Pre-flop)

Anyone else got similar stories?

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OpWestAcct   United States. Nov 12 2009 05:35. Posts 640

What's funny is at first (before I read the text) I thought you were talking about how you hate it when other people do that. And I was going to agree but now that I see you are one them I am just gonna laugh at you.

Fuck me 

salutary   Australia. Nov 12 2009 05:36. Posts 362

your not supposed to talk about your hand in the hand : /

terrybunny19240   United States. Nov 12 2009 05:39. Posts 13829

lol cool story bro

(this is so standard that no one ever talks about random shit like this )

joLin   United States. Nov 12 2009 05:40. Posts 3818

this is why i make sure to play every hand so that this doesnt happen to me.

YoUr_KiLLeR @ TL 

Sicks Macks   United States. Nov 12 2009 05:57. Posts 3929

Don't talk about what you folded during the hand. GL in poker.

Mr. Will Throwit 

Abhorrence   Canada. Nov 12 2009 06:16. Posts 4

  On November 12 2009 04:57 Sicks Macks wrote:
Don't talk about what you folded during the hand. GL in poker.

I never do, but I slipped up. Probably because of my thought process in the moment. I overlooked that.

JSquids   United States. Nov 12 2009 07:01. Posts 1142

[QUOTE]On November 12 2009 04:40 joLin wrote:
this is why i make sure to play every hand so that this doesnt happen to me.[/QUOTE


AKA StarsNStripes@azeroth 

longple    Sweden. Nov 12 2009 08:59. Posts 4472

lol retard

dafcnz   Canada. Nov 12 2009 09:03. Posts 303

mhmmm, so you folded and you wouldve made the nuts?

This leaves no option, shove any face card from now on, you'll never miss a royal straight flush again


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