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Forum Index > Poker Blogs
donkeyrider   United States. May 16 2020 04:42. Posts 108
8 players are in the hand
verminoth posted 0.25
mojomars posted 0.5
you straddled to 1
you were dealt 10? 10?
puddnhead folded
GlockTease called 1
Freshbasil folded
Stephan folded
Getfoosed called 1
verminoth called 1
mojomars called 1
you bet 3
GlockTease called 3
Getfoosed called 3
verminoth called 3
mojomars called 3
board: 4? Q? 2?
verminoth checked
mojomars checked
you bet 5.25
GlockTease raised to 10.5
Getfoosed called 10.5
verminoth folded
mojomars folded
you called 10.5
board: 4? Q? 2? 10?
you checked
GlockTease bet 153
Getfoosed folded
you called 88.5
board: 4? Q? 2? 10? 6?
GlockTease showed 10? Q? (two pair)
you showed 10? 10? (three of a kind)
GlockTease won 64.5 chips
you won 223.5 chips

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