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HEM help
  HeRoS)eNGagE, Feb 13 2012

  On February 11 2012 02:19 handbanana21 wrote:
Show nested quote +

filter your hud where you call 3bets oop and see how much money youve lost. That should clear it up.

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  HeRoS)eNGagE, Jul 29 2011

There is that guy on my table playing 20/20/20 with 20% squeeze with the name twentybets

touhg it was funy xD
duno if he is trying to keep his stats at that number :OP

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Meh, moving to ipoker
  HeRoS)eNGagE, Jun 17 2011

Meh, ive been struggling on 888 for a while and now im done
only reason i was playing there its becuase its where ive made my money
After the retarded week i just got i decided it was enought and i was cashing out the rest of my roll and deposit on ipoker
i know i can get like 50% rakeback on ipoker, do you guys have any site/link i can go
or any other poker software offering good rakeback/fish etc?

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Waiting my flight for dublin!
  HeRoS)eNGagE, Apr 20 2011

Like my last blog post said, i won a sat to the irish open in dblin
Well i am atm at the airport waiting for my flight, leaving in 1 hour
hope ill do good in the tourney^^
gona try to keep it up to date here so you guys know if i busted or not
i hope ill do great
its gona be my first live event ever so thats gona be fun lol
gona have alot of stress too i guess but ill prolly be fine after like 30 min of playing or w/e
we will see ;o)
some peoples told me live players are just terrible so it gives me some hope^^
its around 600k EURO for first so it could be a great payday hahaha
around 700 players the last 2 years i think so its not tooooo big of a tourney
just need to run good^^
since luckyace pay everything for me obv my goal is to finish in the cash, and ill be happy obv^^
so anyway im or watch a movie w/e
gona try to put somes pics here too i guess

wish me luckkkkk

omg right when i finished writing it my internet fucked up but i didnt lost anything i had wrote, phew the run good starting ! xD

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Comments (19)

  HeRoS)eNGagE, Mar 20 2011

vilain had 2:1 chip lead going into HU
he wanted to do a deal, like winner give 1k to second(second place get nothing)
i refused

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c-c-c-combo breaker
  HeRoS)eNGagE, Mar 17 2011


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is FTP down?
  HeRoS)eNGagE, Nov 23 2010

i click on icon and i got a little empty box
i click on the empty button and it close

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Comments (5)

facking fallout new vegas
  HeRoS)eNGagE, Oct 21 2010

so many bugs its so annoying, same thing was fallout 3
in new vegas todya
fuckkk i lvlup lvl 6 to 7
so i put my stats where i want them... then after when you lvl up you are suposed to receive 1 point
to get for something special.. w/e
i reload previous save do it again
a lil later it freeze, fffffuuuu again
my robot ed-e die
ffffuuu he was full of stock and i am full myself i look like a retard now
asdf xD
hope ill get at least my point for the next lvl -.-
you guys have it? any bugs yet? what do you guys think about it for now?

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  HeRoS)eNGagE, Jul 26 2010

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Comments (15)

lol lp
  HeRoS)eNGagE, May 28 2010

its so much bullshit sometimes

This is a Warning!
Please stop making trashy posts.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation,
The Mod Staff

fuck you moron

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