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from rags to yutaka

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dropping down to 100nl
  domyouji, Jul 30 2010

because pokerstars wants me to win at 200 NL

I don't know what idiots type on my ptr but I certainly ran above ev this year

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I can win [ ]
  domyouji, Jul 29 2010

and to all the faggot ass haters like fayth out there who says its my playstyle, fuk you, you aren't in my shoes and don't know shit about bad running

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shittiest time of my life ever
  domyouji, Jul 24 2010

so since I'm behind on sne I calculated and it comes out to be about 4.4k vpp per day, which is around 10k give or take a few hundred hands per day for everyday the rest of this year. After doing it for 4 days straight and running below ev it just feels tiresome and shitty. Ever since the run bad couple of months ago I have never completely recovered and now my 200 winrate has become measly 0.34, which is sad and boarderline fpp pro. life is just suck right now as all those other regs keep getting preflop coolers and then I lose to them on suckouts. Too much whine in this blog but this is gonna be 1 shithole year for the rest of this year.

also heres graph for S&M enjoyments

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here comes the midmonth doomswitch
  domyouji, Jun 16 2010


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run bad continues
  domyouji, May 23 2010

dunno when will this crap end

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can't win for life
  domyouji, May 17 2010

can't win for shit last 5 days, 90% 200nl and some 50bb 2/4, don't know wtf to do anymore

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  domyouji, Jan 31 2010

So this is the year I'm shooting for SNE and even though I'm behind pace a little bit it's been going pretty well this month

first 10k month

school starts tomorrow and I'll need to find a job, gonna be 1 hell of a year

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a little brag
  domyouji, Jan 31 2010

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fuk the bonus
  domyouji, Jan 16 2010

never gonna get bonus again even if its on sale, that shit is insta doomswitch

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hero session
  domyouji, Jan 10 2010

argh today was just a crazy day

a man's gotta do wat he has to do

this month has been going pretty well thus far, getting comfortable at 200nl and i feel like i can beat this stake pretty handily

gl to everyone else pursuing sne this year

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