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Poker Senate

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State of Origin
  Babs, Jun 18 2010

Shit result for us New South Welshmen. Nevertheless some great moments like the fight below.

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My new rig
  Babs, May 29 2010

Hey LP

Just set up new rig as seen below, 3 x 30".

If anyone is running eyefinity on games like COD:MW2 please send me a pm. I've pretty much set it up but still having a few problems that might need tweeking.

Also I think I need a new mouse because the max sensitivity on my regular Microsoft mouse isn't sufficient to move across 7680 x 1600, not a bad problem to have I guess.

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  Babs, Jan 28 2010

Well it started bad and ended bad, but was somewhat good.

I endeavoured to chase SNE for the first weeks, but have since burnt out. It was pretty much physically impossible to do while working.

However, it did motivate me to clock a lot of hands.

It was the most hands I've ever played in a month, all sessions were mostly 20+ tables. Subsequently my winrate was scraping the barrel at 1ptbb, however you still seem to make decent money ($700 per day) when you take into the sheer amount of hands and rakeback.

55k VPP.

Going camping tomorrow, so I won't be playing for the remainder of the month.

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2009 - 100bi above EV
  Babs, Jan 07 2010

So 2009 was a very lucky year for me, but not a very encouraging one.

Cash games I made ~$50k less than last year and played around 80k less hands, but ran like God.

However I probably shipped $30-$40k luckboxing the few tournies I played. Swapping 20% with Wobbly in WSOP ME also helped me break even for the Vegas trip.

As you can see, if I ran as bad as I did good, my year could have been break even. Sick.

Going to attempt to drastically improve my game this year as I did absolutely zip LY for my game.

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Climate Sceptism wins
  Babs, Dec 01 2009

The Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), a bill that will impose a tax on the Australian people for their carbon emissions will be blocked in the coming days.

The leader of the opposition was toppled today for his support of the ETS by Tony Abbott, the man to lead the climate sceptics in a revolt against this great green tax.

The opposition will now block the bill in the senate, which will cause a deadlock of the houses. This gives the government the unusual and rare constitutional opportunity to trigger a double dissolution election. It is yet to be determined if they will call for a double dissolution.

I love democracy.

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Comments (7)

Wobbly's Housewarming, Deldar, results
  Babs, Sep 15 2009

I'm on study leave atm so what better way to avoid studying than to write a blog.

Wobbly recently bought an apartment, which resulted in the customary housewarming on the weekend. The biggest attraction was of course Deldar's appearance! Deldar was up in Syd for a Scrabble tourny so he dropped in for a bit of frivolity. We played some live 1/2 NLHE and NL Omaha and I ended up a buy-in or so, CRUSHED DELDAR! Other than that it was pretty tame, lots of Asians playing Wii haha. I then had about 2hrs sleep and played WCOOP with Wobbly which was just an epic fail on both our parts

September hitherto:

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May & WSOP update
  Babs, May 31 2009

I haven't indulged in one of these vain articles of what they call blogs in quite a while, so I'll give an update of the past few months.

After busting out of ANZPT 2nd hand in Adelaide, I entered a side tourny ($1k buy-in) and won that for $20k, so that was a nice little bonus.

Following that score I proceeded to have my biggest online downswing ever, almost $40k, or approximately 50 buy-ins (400nl - $1knl) over a period of about 2 weeks, since then I've been slowly grinding it back. It's been a good learning experience, it's just painful to lose so much when I can only grind on avg 1-2hrs a day because I work full time & study. I'm about $10k off from fully recovering, so wish me luck.

In addition I won a WSOP ME ticket by buying into a Step 5!!!!, I'll be in Vegas from 26 June, staying at the Palms & flying in with Wobbly.


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Transfer PS -> FT
  Babs, Apr 08 2009

My PS money for your FT money.

Looking to transfer up to $5k, min amount of $100. Well known LPers only.

Edit: Done, thanks handbanana

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Comments (1)

  Babs, Feb 03 2009

Day 1, 2nd hand. KK vs AA. FML.

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ANZPT + January
  Babs, Jan 30 2009

Hi all

Who's attending to ANZPT in Adelaide? I'm flying down with wobbly_au & pokemyface for the main event, but it's more of a holiday more than anything (ballin' it up in the Hyatt obv). I can't think of much to do down there besides visit the Bradman museum, but meh it should be good fun.

January was super awesome, my best month ever.

Beat: Still working full-time, and got lumped with one of the worst jobs ever. Doing the accounts for this client can only be compared to Enron, it's such a mess.

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