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drunk in san fran
  royalsu, Aug 14 2008

what the fuck...we just picked up this weird ass asian girl from korean in san francisco who was fucknig drunk and hitting on all 3 of us. She got upset when we wanted to pay for the drinks so wtf we just let her pay for all our drinks. She's married and wanted to go home with us...she's rom LA.

I love SF...i'm balling and playing pokker on the 19th floor of a 5k/per month month apartment.

i'm playing 400nl with a crappy ass bankroll and playing 15/12 or some nitty ass style but still making money every day cause the regs suck. whatever i'm so uckinng drunk but i've been drunk e3very day i love it...i love lp fuck 2++2 come to sf and i'll hoook up up with asian girls...

uck it alll

mother uck uck ffuck .

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Poker, girls, poker video upcoming!
  royalsu, Jul 14 2008

So I haven't blogged in a long while because I haven't played much poker since my downswing: -17k$ at 400nl, not sure how many hands. I'm pretty sure I'm playing terrible and just getting owned in a whole bunch of spots. I took a lot of time off and just spent it chilling with girls, going to wild water kingdom (i have some wild pictures and even a video of her dancing on a random pole but alas...I don't think posting her pics on an internet forum is right). If you ever come to toronto then maybe you'll get some sneak peaks.

I also went clubbing a lot at circa, probably 5 times in the last month. Met this wild group of girls who are up for anything. For example, one of my friends made out with two cousins in a span of 5minutes (they both have bfs lol). The 2nd one was the one he was chopping and she got mad at mad that she slept with him the next day and many times after that. A lot of other random explicit events happened on the dance floor, but like muhweli, I'd rather leave the details to your imagination.

So after my downswing, bankroll was at 15k and I decided to join leggopoker. I watched all of aejones' vids and I now look at poker a different way. He's always thinking about hand ranges, and why people bet based on showdown value. I then had a nice 6k upswing the last few days. Fast forward to today: things were going well, was up a little bit, got sucked out on, tilted, sucked out more, more tilt = -5k day. I won't bother listen the hands because it's really not interesting nor important. Ah well, time to punish myself by dropping back to 200nl and grind. Sigh, at least one positive is that I now have about 200k hands at 400nl of experience.

I'm taking another small break from poker, going to rethink my game as well as make a video series on how to play a nitty 17/14 tag game. I'm basically going to teach ppl how to not spew and just play solid winning poker. There are some games filled with regs where you just have to play this style. In order to play laggier you have to be a good hand reader, otherwise you will find yourself in too many tough or marginal spots.

It's going to be a 4 part series:
1) position, preflop ranges in every situation, squeezing, stacking off ranges.
2) postflop basics: various equities, flop cbet textures, double/triple barreling. How to extract money from fish and regs.
3) making moves in 3b pots, squeezed pots, river bluffs.
4) reads, note taking, and timing tells

The vids will be released to selected lpers for trial and we'll see where it goes from there. I'm still confident in my game; I've logged a ton of hands (I average like 5-8k hands a day), made and spent a lot of money foolishly. It's now time for me to own up and get serious about this since it's my only source of income as of now.

I'm going to try to get these vids released before I go to hawaii in 8 days. Aloha! That's right, life is still good! I've got a date tomorrow with 2 girls, and this other one wants me to sleep over tonight, so a -5k day ain't nothing to a baller.


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  royalsu, Jun 22 2008

that is all

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  royalsu, Jun 12 2008

So my good run at 400nl has come to an end. I made 10k the first week of june and pretty much lost it all in the last 2 days, probably over 2k hands. I've gone back to being a calling station in spots where the other guy just can't be bluffing but I'll convince myself he has a flush draw, or tell myself he is value betting thin so I'll raise him with tpgk.

I still think I can beat 400nl but I'm taking a couple days off to work on controlling my mental state while playing. The worst mindset to be in while playing is to constantly think that people are bluffing you. Since most of the regs are playing 19/16 tag, they're really not bluffing you often because they usually have a medium strength hand to begin with. There's a decent amount of double barreling but 3-barrel bluffs are so rare. I think what happens is that I see a reg squeeze and 3-barrel with 35s and then think that he does that all the time. But in reality he was squeezing for legitimate reasons (i.e. the coldcaller was a station and ended up peeling the flop with overs) and then triple barreled because the King and Ace hit on the turn/river. The thing to realize is that this was selective aggression in a particular spot against a particular opponent. His play was actually very good in that spot, and that image ended up costing me a buyin later on.

girl update: she still tilts me but whatever, i think it's worth it for now.

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meh day
  royalsu, Jun 10 2008

played maybe 2 hours of poker today and ended up down 4k. DeadBrainCel was probably the cause of it. He sucked out on me in 3 consecutive 3bet pots where I held AK AK KK and he cracked them all on the river after being all-in beforehand with 34s, J4s, and 46s. So that accounts for 1100$. He then brilliantly played a hand against me by using his image: check-calling and check-pushing the turn with AA after raising pre-flop. That soul-owned me for another 500$. Needless to say I don't think I played my A-game after that.

Usually I get pretty life-tilted after a session like this, but I've had tons of +-10 buyin sessions at 200nl so this isn't really new territory buyin wise. I think I'll be able to sleep well tonight, probably because my friend is coming over in the morning to cook for me. It's definitely a good sign that I don't have hot gambler's blood flowing through my body right now trying to get me to pull an all-night-get-even session.

Well I should focus on the positives: still up a lot for june and I'm going to hawaii soon.

Tomorrow will be my day or revenge!

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  royalsu, Jun 08 2008

Montreal is awesome as always. It's the Formula 1 Grand Prix weekend so traffic is hell downtown but I've just been chilling with family ignoring the mayhem. Yesterday my bro tien, cousin oba, and me went to the casino to play the new touch screen video poker games. The rake is a retarded 10% up to 5$ and I unfortunately drew a nitty live full ring table. Uggg. We had 4 way limped pots that were checked down. I ended down 300$ from shipping it in with 35s on a A56 flushdraw board. The only significant pot I won was with KK against a 50$ shortstack. The games are definitely fishy though; examples include a guy bluffing a dry sidepot with KJ on a A84 board with no draw, a girl flatting the river with the nuts (she had 11$ left and never bet once all session, only called). This older guy from Arizona with a 1k stack tried to hit on her:

old guy: "I bet Diamond (her screenname) is not your real name."
she just ignored him...later on her french bf came by.

my bro made an easy 150ish playing on a softer table. The poker room is built like a dance club, with a chic bar in the middle of the room and almost no lighting in the whole room.

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Played badly...
  royalsu, Jun 04 2008

Just finished a monster 8k hand session where I made partypoker 800$ in rake. Up 1k, down 2k, and back to even.

I was playing well until I got uber outplayed by stations, which put me on a small tilt session. I hate tilting because it's literally lightly money on fire and I have a hard time quitting. The session could have gone towards the -4k territory if I hadn't sucked out in some spots. Like shoving AQ on JTx board against AA and hitting. Luckily that last hand untilted me and I made a nice comback towards even for the day.

I'll do an analysis of the regs later but I'm just too tired right now.

I'm going to head to montreal to visit family soon and take a break from poker. I've played like 34k hands in the last 4 days and poker's feeling too much like a grind right now.

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girls life tilt me part II
  royalsu, Jun 03 2008


I forgot to mention that she said we would do something for sure the next day (today)...i.e. go see a play, dinner, and stuff. Well this morning after I went back to bed from 7am to 10am, she texts me that she doesn't want to do anything today. Uggg. Life tilt again! So again I took out my aggression, this time on the party morning donks and made another 1.5k.

Total profits from girls tilting me today: 3k

So it's 7:40pm and she calls me to bring over some food. I know...I'm woman-whipped.

Before I leave I present you the brag hand of the day:

The history: I double barreled in a blind battle when the ace hit on the turn and he folded. He then proceeds to 3b me at every oppertunity, whereas he hadn't 3b me at all before. So I sense tilt on his part. On to the hand: I call on the flop because the board is so dry and that's what I'd do with QK AK. Now he bet really weak on the flop and quick. On the turn he thinks forever before making a large potcommitting bet. I thought to myself: "lol my pair of nines is probably good." (and yes, "lol" is a word)

I think with AK you would bet smaller on the turn in order to give the illusion of fold equity so that the opponent can shove with worse. Anyways, ship it. Plus I probably life tilted him for good.

Fun Hand

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girls life tilt me
  royalsu, Jun 03 2008

Yesterday I told her I was making her dinner and bringing it over after she finishes work. Everything's cool and at 6pm she texts me that she'll call me soon. I wait and wait and at 10:30 she calls me and tells me she doesn't want me to come over. Ok...and then she says some bs about not asking me to make dinner. I pretend everything's cool but was pretty pissed off about it.

Anways, I wake up at 3:30am and it's still dark outside. I decide to take out my aggression on the party nighttime donks. There's only like 12 tables open and I fire up 7 tables with 2 tags and 3 shortstackers on each table. I proceed to run like God against the shortstacker Patish as my AA holds against his KK (his preflop raise is 6%!).

It was a pretty variance free session, apart from two ill-timed bluffs that cost me 600$...i.e. floating on a dry board after getting checkraised and minraise bluffing the turn...and then folding to a shove for my last 90$.

So I made 1.4k in 2.5k hands, which is a good cure for life tilt. I don't know if this is true or not, but when I'm upset about something in life I think I play better poker due to being more aggressive. I just want to win pots more and splash some bluffs in that I normally wouldn't make.

It's 7am and I have no clue what to do: sleep, dota, poker; are all being considered.

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short session
  royalsu, Jun 02 2008

I just played a short 300 hand session 4 tabling 400nl and just realized what a waste yesterday was. Yesterday I played 12 hours of robotic poker, and I definitely wasn't thinking hard enough about the game in each hand.

Today I was fresh and focused. I was able to analyze each hand thoroughly before I made any decisions. For example, I raise AQo and get called. The flop is a monotone TJ4 and I don't have the right suit. Before I even bet, my brain goes: "what hands can he raise me here with? hmm, he would need a big diamond in his hand but it's unlikely he has AK AQ KQ type hands since he flatted a raise. He'll definitely raise TJ and a set. What hands would he call with? Maybe QJs T8s but it'll be hard for him to continue without a flush redraw. Ok so if he calls I'm going to fire 3 barrels. And if he raises he'll either have a small flush or air so I'll definitely 4b bluff this flop."

I think the reason I leaked so many chips yesterday was because I'd bet the flop, get called, then have no idea what to do because I didn't think about his range beforehand.
I sometimes forget how much fun it is to be thinking about this game instead of "grinding".

Anyways...solid 1k day. Time for some Pho and fresh oranges from chinatown.

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