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2023 wrap up

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NewbSaibot   United States. Jan 01 2024 04:34. Posts 4945
So here's the final result of a year of play. Keep in mind I had previously deleted some PLO sessions because I got tired of looking at them in my history, but took another shot and kept those in, so for 2023 I didnt actually make any money at all most likely, probably a slight loser.

I got the flu again, for the 3rd or 4th fucking time this year which really helped wreck my December results. So I must have a pretty bad immune system, going to start taking vitamins and working out a little to strengthen that.

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bye now 

Ryan Neilly   United States. Jan 01 2024 05:28. Posts 1631

PLO just sucks

GL in 2024

PuertoRican   United States. Jan 01 2024 07:55. Posts 13076

From a PLO newb perspective, PLO has always seemed like a really tough game to get good at, but once you get good at it, you can make a lot of money. That being said, most people aren't good at PLO and keep playing it.

I guess you can apply that same logic to most things, but PLO just seems like another animal and a money pit for most.

Good luck in 2024

Rekrul is a newb 

NewbSaibot   United States. Jan 01 2024 18:52. Posts 4945

The impulse to play PLO comes after series of bad HE sessions when I begin to question if I even know how to play this game in the first place. It's not to chase losses or gambool it up or anything like that, I just feel washed and that it's time to move on to a new game I can learn from scratch. Thing is my HE downswings are never really that bad compared to some of the local crushers. I hear these guys talk about being in the game for 5-7k before they finally turn it around. Meanwhile a 5k loss makes me feel like I'm just some fish being run over, like how on earth can anyone lose 5k playing live 2/5 in a single session.

Anyway David Sklanksy released a new book on playing max exploitative live low stakes poker that I just snagged. We're talking limping tons of hands, weird preflop small raises to "sweeten the pot", actually preferring to play pots multiway just keep their ranges wide since you'll play 67s better than they'll play J8o, etc. A stark contrast from my raise/fold only strategy. I'm actually grinding play money online just to get used to it all since it feels so unnatural.

bye nowLast edit: 01/01/2024 19:30


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