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Live poker hand question

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balakubak   . Aug 31 2019 14:10. Posts 152

9 handed game, I have QQ.

UTG+2 raises 4x pot

I 3bet 3x from the button with QQ

blinds fold

UTG+2 calls

Flop is 7 6 2 rainbow

UTG+2 checks

I bet half the pot, UTG+2 calls

turn is a 3

UTG+2 checks

I bet a bit larger maybe almost 3/4 pot, UTG+2 calls

River is a J!

UTG+2 checks

By this point, alarm bells were ringing in my head. I didn't want to see an A, a K and a J on the river. Am I right in thinking to check it back because if he had 88, 99 or TT, I wouldn't be getting any value anyway. And if he had AA, KK, JJ and maybe other sets played passively, I'd be saving some money.


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 Last edit: 05/09/2019 05:27

balakubak   . Sep 05 2019 05:26. Posts 152

Sorry I forgot to include my hand.

Stroggoz   New Zealand. Sep 05 2019 06:19. Posts 5314

Seem like a standard Jam, live 1/2 poker has wide ranges

One of 3 non decent human beings on a site of 5 people with between 2-3 decent human beingsLast edit: 05/09/2019 06:19

dnagardi   Hungary. Sep 07 2019 15:42. Posts 1776

this really depends on your read of the player.
vs a reg I check back probably
vs a unknown live fish obv bet river


balakubak   . Sep 07 2019 17:03. Posts 152

He had JJ. I wanted to spit on my cards lol.

I know I got the gift. Next time I listen to that little voice in my head.

walterz   Indonesia. Sep 08 2019 09:30. Posts 12

flush is a good choice

gambling if you think its fun 

NewbSaibot   United States. Sep 14 2019 03:10. Posts 4945

I dont think live players raise mid PP's much pre, especially not 4x pot, I'd put him on JJ-AA.

bye nowLast edit: 14/09/2019 03:12

JasonRoy   United States. Dec 14 2019 13:55. Posts 1

--- Nuked ---

kingsizexx   United States. Oct 28 2020 22:09. Posts 2

--- Nuked ---

 Last edit: 30/10/2020 16:09

sandramurphy12   South Africa. Nov 18 2020 03:09. Posts 2

--- Nuked ---

JoanGreen   United States. Dec 04 2020 16:57. Posts 4

Interesting. I personally never really understood poker because to me it is a little bit too complicated. The strategic thinking in that game is a big must that I do not really have yet. Out of all the casino games that there is I prefer slot machines. I like them because they are just based on luck. You can't really count anything but it is very adventurous. While I was stuck home on quarantine I have tried a few different online casino rooms but one of my personal favorites is a casino room called joker338. It is fairly new and they are still establishing themselves so the prize polls are not super high but they are still really nice. I have won a few things but nothing huge just yet. I am not losing hope though. My time will come

 Last edit: 16/12/2020 14:15


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