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Show hand : 421697

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Handnr: 421697
Submitted by : Loco

***** Hand History for Game 6958201141 *****
$200 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, April 09, 16:57:24 ET 2008
Table Table 128206 (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 1: Nichli ( $141.20 USD )
Seat 2: peimei_B ( $203.70 USD )
Seat 4: goodi_ ( $301.45 USD )
Seat 5: aLwYsOnmYmNd ( $483.85 USD )
Seat 6: komland ( $290.35 USD )
Seat 3: Hero ( $288.45 USD )
peimei_B posts small blind [$1 USD].
Hero posts big blind [$2 USD].

Dealt to Hero JhJd
goodi_ folds
aLwYsOnmYmNd raises [$7 USD]
komland calls [$7 USD]
Nichli calls [$7 USD]
peimei_B folds
Hero raises [$36 USD]
aLwYsOnmYmNd calls [$31 USD]
komland calls [$31 USD]
Nichli folds

Flop (Pot : $122.00)

Hero checks
aLwYsOnmYmNd checks
komland checks

Turn (Pot : $122.00)

Hero bets [$62 USD]
aLwYsOnmYmNd folds
komland raises [$124 USD]
Hero folds
komland does not show cards .
komland wins $305 USD

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Loco   Canada. Apr 09 2008 15:01. Posts 20964

need some advice on this one

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fuck I should just sell some of my Pokemon cards, if no one stakes that is what I will have to do - lostaccount 

pinbaLL    Sweden. Apr 09 2008 15:05. Posts 7243

I guess c-f mode from flop and forward


All hands submitted by Loco:

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