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Show hand : 1098798

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Handnr: 1098798
Submitted by : Gumster

PokerStars Hand #236242676082: Tournament #3412038792, $7.20+$7.50+$1.80 USD Holdem No Limit - Level XIX (700/1400) - 2022/05/20 14:54:30 CET [2022/05/20 8:54:30 ET]
Table 3412038792 30 8-max Seat #7 is the button
Seat 1: Ernestas21 (97512 in chips, $52.94 bounty)
Seat 2: mjpp85 (40768 in chips, $31.87 bounty)
Seat 3: M-Note8 (2071 in chips, $11.25 bounty)
Seat 4: gomsipjorn (54665 in chips, $46.86 bounty)
Seat 5: GE0UEPA (74721 in chips, $15 bounty)
Seat 7: BigSugar555 (19771 in chips, $24.37 bounty)
Seat 8: GerrrM1 (25884 in chips, $24.37 bounty)
Ernestas21: posts the ante 175
mjpp85: posts the ante 175
M-Note8: posts the ante 175
gomsipjorn: posts the ante 175
GE0UEPA: posts the ante 175
BigSugar555: posts the ante 175
GerrrM1: posts the ante 175
GerrrM1: posts small blind 700
Ernestas21: posts big blind 1400

Dealt to gomsipjorn 4hAh
mjpp85: folds
M-Note8: raises 496 to 1896 and is all-in
gomsipjorn: raises 3704 to 5600
GE0UEPA: folds
BigSugar555: folds
GerrrM1: folds
Ernestas21: calls 4200

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $15,021.00)

Ernestas21: checks
gomsipjorn: bets 7000
Ernestas21: calls 7000

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $29,021.00)

Ernestas21: checks
gomsipjorn: bets 8706
Ernestas21: calls 8706

River (Pot : $46,433.00)

Ernestas21: bets 76031 and is all-in
gomsipjorn: calls 33184 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (42847) returned to Ernestas21

Ernestas21: shows Kc9d (two pair, Kings and Nines)
gomsipjorn: shows 4hAh (a flush, Ace high)
gomsipjorn collected 105188 from side pot
M-Note8: shows KsTc (a pair of Kings)
gomsipjorn collected 7613 from main pot
gomsipjorn wins $5.63 for eliminating M-Note8 and their own bounty increases by $5.62 to $52.48
M-Note8 finished the tournament in 58th place and received $12.90.

Total pot 112801 Main pot 7613. Side pot 105188. | Rake 0
Board  7h6dKh2h9s
Seat 1: Ernestas21 (big blind) showed Kc9d and lost with two pair, Kings and Nines
Seat 2: mjpp85 folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 3: M-Note8 showed KsTc and lost with a pair of Kings
Seat 4: gomsipjorn showed 4hAh and won (112801) with a flush, Ace high
Seat 5: GE0UEPA folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 7: BigSugar555 (button) folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 8: GerrrM1 (small blind) folded before Flop

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