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Show hand : 1098743

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Handnr: 1098743
Submitted by : Ryan Neilly

PokerStars Hand #235547654616: Holdem No Limit ($1/$2 USD) - 2022/04/24 16:09:34 ET
Table Etamin 6-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: LivinOnThEdge ($311.85 in chips)
Seat 2: trosenone ($247.82 in chips)
Seat 3: birnbaum2422 ($178.61 in chips)
Seat 4: crh59902 ($211.09 in chips)
Seat 5: NeillyAA74 ($200 in chips)
Seat 6: iknewyouhadit ($236.45 in chips)
iknewyouhadit: posts small blind $1
LivinOnThEdge: posts big blind $2

Dealt to NeillyAA74 5d4d
trosenone: folds
birnbaum2422: calls $2
crh59902: folds
NeillyAA74: raises $5 to $7
iknewyouhadit: folds
LivinOnThEdge: raises $23 to $30
birnbaum2422: folds
NeillyAA74: calls $23

Flop (Pot : $63.00)

LivinOnThEdge: bets $15
NeillyAA74: calls $15

Turn (Pot : $93.00)

LivinOnThEdge: checks
NeillyAA74: checks

River (Pot : $93.00)

LivinOnThEdge: checks
NeillyAA74: bets $33
LivinOnThEdge: folds
Uncalled bet ($33) returned to NeillyAA74
NeillyAA74 collected $90 from pot
NeillyAA74: doesnt show hand

Total pot $93 | Rake $3
Board  Kd7dJsAcKh
Seat 1: LivinOnThEdge (big blind) folded on the River
Seat 2: trosenone folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 3: birnbaum2422 folded before Flop
Seat 4: crh59902 folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 5: NeillyAA74 (button) collected ($90)
Seat 6: iknewyouhadit (small blind) folded before Flop

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hiems   United States. May 31 2022 18:22. Posts 2979


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I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

lostaccount   Canada. Jun 06 2022 08:38. Posts 6035


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lostaccount   Canada. Jun 13 2022 01:32. Posts 6035

King of H at heart

humble and modest living, my karma is done, now time to enjoy life, peace is the way karma is a way Jesus is a way. peace of mind is the greatest gift liquidpokerIG 


All hands submitted by Ryan Neilly:

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