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Show hand : 1098702

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Handnr: 1098702
Submitted by : Ryan Neilly

PokerStars Hand #234679199090: Holdem No Limit ($1/$2 USD) - 2022/03/16 5:53:58 ET
Table Arethusa 6-max Seat #2 is the button
Seat 1: Kingsup312 ($275.59 in chips)
Seat 2: kenandkatie ($228.83 in chips)
Seat 3: too cool10 ($167.78 in chips)
Seat 4: NeillyAA74 ($539.32 in chips)
Seat 5: specialpoker83 ($210.24 in chips)
Seat 6: Admiral Overbet ($321.72 in chips)
too cool10: posts small blind $1
NeillyAA74: posts big blind $2

Dealt to NeillyAA74 7d8d
specialpoker83: folds
Admiral Overbet: folds
Kingsup312: calls $2
kenandkatie: folds
too cool10: calls $1
NeillyAA74: raises $5 to $7
Kingsup312: calls $5
too cool10: calls $5

Flop (Pot : $21.00)

too cool10: checks
NeillyAA74: bets $6.58
Kingsup312: folds
too cool10: raises $6.58 to $13.16
NeillyAA74: calls $6.58

Turn (Pot : $47.32)

too cool10: bets $24
NeillyAA74: calls $24

River (Pot : $95.32)

too cool10: bets $34
NeillyAA74: raises $240.48 to $274.48
too cool10: folds
Uncalled bet ($240.48) returned to NeillyAA74
NeillyAA74 collected $160.32 from pot
NeillyAA74: doesnt show hand

Total pot $163.32 | Rake $3
Board  Qd8c7s8s3d
Seat 1: Kingsup312 folded on the Flop
Seat 2: kenandkatie (button) folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 3: too cool10 (small blind) folded on the River
Seat 4: NeillyAA74 (big blind) collected ($160.32)
Seat 5: specialpoker83 folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 6: Admiral Overbet folded before Flop (didnt bet)

shoulda just 2.8-3.5x riv ugh

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asdf2000   United States. Mar 17 2022 00:20. Posts 7694

dude it looks like you've been doing great lately
have you been studying?

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Grindin so hard, Im smashin pussies left and right. 

Ryan Neilly   United States. Mar 19 2022 02:56. Posts 1631

i work really hard w poker, i study some weeks and then take months off , i plan to be studying a lot again soon.

asdf2000   United States. Mar 19 2022 15:38. Posts 7694

That's how you gotta do it man. I find that my best performance is when I can really have everything else settled in my life, and set my mind on just poker and really work hard.

keep it up man

Grindin so hard, Im smashin pussies left and right. 

Ryan Neilly   United States. Mar 26 2022 13:06. Posts 1631

thx seems we go similr, gl to u sir

VanDerMeyde   Norway. Apr 07 2022 19:30. Posts 5108

  On March 19 2022 14:38 asdf2000 wrote:
That's how you gotta do it man. I find that my best performance is when I can really have everything else settled in my life, and set my mind on just poker and really work hard.

keep it up man

This is a really underrated point. When my life was fucked up I got tilted so easily and quickly if i tried to play a little poker.

:DLast edit: 07/04/2022 19:30

lostaccount   Canada. Apr 16 2022 03:02. Posts 6035

  On March 19 2022 14:38 asdf2000 wrote:
That's how you gotta do it man. I find that my best performance is when I can really have everything else settled in my life, and set my mind on just poker and really work hard.

keep it up man

happy life happy poker for sure. if ur life sucks then in turn ur poker game suffers

humble and modest living, my karma is done, now time to enjoy life, peace is the way karma is a way Jesus is a way. peace of mind is the greatest gift liquidpokerIG 


All hands submitted by Ryan Neilly:

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