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Show hand : 1063372

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Handnr: 1063372
Submitted by : LemOn[5thF]

GAME #6975637213: Texas Holdem NL €0.10/€0.20 2016-03-11 21:35:36/GMT
Table Six Plus III
Seat 1: Hero €38.56 in chips
Seat 3: Jason1234567890 €20.00 in chips
Seat 5: DaGurg €16.06 in chips
Seat 6: GrzeskoPhi €23.09 in chips
Seat 8: trance111 €47.63 in chips DEALER
Seat 10: Malerba2230 €17.30 in chips
Malerba2230: Post SB €0.10
Hero: Post BB €0.20
Jason1234567890: Post BB €0.20

Dealt to HeroQdQc
Jason1234567890: Check
DaGurg: Call €0.20
GrzeskoPhi: Fold
trance111: Fold
Malerba2230: Call €0.10
Hero: Raise NF €1.40
Jason1234567890: Raise NF €2.60
DaGurg: Fold
Malerba2230: Call €2.40
Hero: Call €1.20

Flop (Pot : $0.00)

Malerba2230: Bet €1.60
Hero: Call €1.60
Jason1234567890: Raise NF €3.20
Malerba2230: Call €1.60
Hero: Raise NF €34.36
Jason1234567890: Allin €14.20
Malerba2230: Allin €11.50

Turn (Pot : $0.00)


River (Pot : $0.00)


Total pot €72.46 Rake €3.60
Jason1234567890: ShowsAhAc One Pair, Aces
Malerba2230: Shows8dTs Straight, Queen High
Hero: ShowsQdQc Three of a Kind, Queens
Hero: wins €72.46

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LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Mar 13 2016 22:08. Posts 15163

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93% Sure!  

hiems   United States. Mar 13 2016 23:08. Posts 2979

?? I don't get it malerba wins the main?

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Mar 13 2016 23:16. Posts 15163

  On March 13 2016 22:08 hiems wrote:
?? I don't get it malerba wins the main?

Texas holdem fish

this is six plus holdem, tripps beat straigth, flush beats fullhouse :D

93% Sure! Last edit: 13/03/2016 23:19

hiems   United States. Mar 13 2016 23:21. Posts 2979

  On March 13 2016 22:16 LemOn[5thF] wrote:
Show nested quote +

Texas holdem fish

this is six plus holdem, tripps beat straigth, flush beats fullhouse :D

Lmaooo what in the world. Haha thats pretty awesome man, kudos. #mix games

I beat Loco!!! [img][/img] 

fira   United States. Mar 14 2016 03:21. Posts 6345

wtf o.o


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