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Show hand : 1017396

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Handnr: 1017396
Submitted by : LemOn[5thF]

PokerStars Hand #102897157800: Holdem No Limit ($0.08/$0.16 USD) - 2013/08/18 4:50:53 ET
Table Aethusa VI 6-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: Dorfbächler ($23.97 in chips)
Seat 2: Plastico1 ($6.57 in chips)
Seat 3: kutyalab2 ($19.83 in chips)
Seat 4: DoC.LemOn ($24.52 in chips)
Seat 5: Viet Anh 999 ($17.91 in chips)
Seat 6: micksher ($6.40 in chips)
Dorfbächler: posts small blind $0.08
Plastico1: posts big blind $0.16

Dealt to DoC.LemOn QcAd
kutyalab2: folds
DoC.LemOn: raises $0.40 to $0.56
Viet Anh 999: folds
micksher: folds
Dorfbächler: calls $0.48
Plastico1: folds

Flop (Pot : $1.28)

Dorfbächler: checks
DoC.LemOn: bets $0.85
Dorfbächler: raises $2.67 to $3.52
DoC.LemOn: calls $2.67

Turn (Pot : $8.32)

Dorfbächler: checks
DoC.LemOn: bets $2.49
Dorfbächler: folds KhKd
Uncalled bet ($2.49) returned to DoC.LemOn
DoC.LemOn collected $7.95 from pot
DoC.LemOn: doesnt show hand

Total pot $8.32 | Rake $0.37
Board  JdQs5hQd
Seat 1: Dorfbächler (small blind) folded on the Turn
Seat 2: Plastico1 (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 3: kutyalab2 folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 4: DoC.LemOn collected ($7.95)
Seat 5: Viet Anh 999 folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 6: micksher (button) folded before Flop (didnt bet)

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LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Aug 18 2013 04:52. Posts 15163

poker officially dead

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93% Sure!  

devon06atX   Canada. Aug 18 2013 11:04. Posts 5458

Every time I see people use that line, I die a little inside.

LP style terrorism.

HeRoS)eNGagE   Canada. Aug 18 2013 12:13. Posts 10896

im not sur i get what you guys are talking about?
his play is fine/good

W   . Aug 18 2013 13:02. Posts 11

Super standard fold against a weak reg.

nerdonpoker   . Aug 18 2013 14:04. Posts 414


LemOn[5thF]   Czech Republic. Aug 18 2013 14:28. Posts 15163

i am serious man a 50/2 weekend fish value raises big when ahead and c/f to a small bet with motherfucking kangs when behind, no money in poker it's dead even fish own you

93% Sure! Last edit: 18/08/2013 14:29

VanDerMeyde   Norway. Aug 18 2013 15:36. Posts 5108

Some type of fish get super paranoid on JJxx QQxx xxTT etc

They were there in 2008 too


Mortensen8   Chad. Aug 18 2013 19:14. Posts 1841

Start playing mtts then

Rear naked woke 


All hands submitted by LemOn[5thF]:

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