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WSOP - Fail
  iakim322, Jun 10 2008

First event. $1,500. 3900 people. Make it late to day 2 only to bust 109th for a sort of worthless cash. Somewhat of a fail.

$1,000 Rebuy. In for $7k and with that $7k, I won about 0 pots of any significance the entire time. Bust mid-day when I shipped in my short stack with 7's and some guy's queens miraculously held against me. Fail.

$2,500. Out with the quickness at level 3 with queens against kings. Fail.

$1,500 shootout. Down to three handed with me at 14k, aggro/somewhat good player at 11k, retarded passive monkey at 5k chips. Tank call a gigantic turn c/r all in by the aggro guy on a 3d5s6c8d board with 8/K for pretty much the shootout first table win. He has A/7 os, made his move, and gets there. Fail.

I fail so hard. But it's ok. I plan to win the PLO $1,500 in about 8 hours. Banking on my extensive 5 lifetime PLO tournament experience.

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Donkaments Continued
  iakim322, May 19 2008

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Live poker isn't that fun sometimes
  iakim322, May 11 2008

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  iakim322, May 08 2008

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  iakim322, Apr 30 2008


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